Play Tennis

Quick Links:
Juniors Playing in Adult Events
September 17th Club Champs Finals Day
Open to all members, and is primarily mixed-doubles. You're welcome to join any session on or after its start time.
This is the main tennis activity offered by the club, and gives an opportunity to meet other members at a social level. There's no need to book (you can just turn up). Matches are played on an ad-hoc basis, with players mixing in with courts as they finish.
Matches should be restricted to the first to five games if there are other members waiting. Players just arriving must wait their turn if other members are already waiting to play.
The timings are:
- Saturdays: from 1:00pm
- Wednesdays: from 6.00pm (floodlights in the winter).
- Fridays: 9.30am to 12:00pm.
- Sundays : 11:00am to 1:30pm
TEAM PRACTICE: Tennis intended for those that play for the club's teams. Open to all those who have played three matches (in the last year) in any league entered by the Club.
- Men's Teams' practice: Sundays 8:00am to 11:00am.
- Women's Teams' practice: Sundays 8:30am to 10:00am.
SUNDAY SOCIAL TENNIS: Open to ALL ADULT MEMBERS. It is expected that players should scale their ability to an appropriate level considering the players on the same court.
- Sundays: 11:00am to 1:30pm.
JUNIORS: Friday junior social 4:00pm to 5.30pm. Last Friday of each month May - September. See the tab above for more information.
Can I join/leave a Social Tennis session halfway through a session?
- Short Answer: Yes
- Long Answer: There is no restriction on when you can join/leave a social tennis session. You can play as long as you like.
I'm only able to get to Social Tennis 30 minutes before the first session ends should I turn up?
- Short Answer: Yes, if there are other players there you'll still be made to feel welcome.
How do I know if anyone will be at a particular session?
- You are welcome to use the "Bovingdon Tennis Social" WhatApp chat to gauge the number of members intending to go to a particular session. The committee will monitor general attendance levels in person where possible, but we'll also appreciate feedback too.
I have another question or need clarification. Who do I contact?
- Nominally, contact the Head of Tennis Activities. You are, however, free to contact any committee member and they'd be able to get the information for you. Contact details can be found here.
Club Champs
Our annual competition open to all members- from June to September. You can find more information here.
Box Leagues
We run doubles box leagues for members. You'll but put into boxes where you'll be competing for promotion! You can find more information here.
American Tournaments
These are fun sociable tournament which we hold several times a year. We play mixed doubles and you will change partner for each mini match. There is a prize for the person who has won the most individual games. You can find more information here.
Floodlit Fun Tournaments
These are fun, social, in-house doubles competition where teams compete against each other in a single night. Each player will play with a new teammate in five, 20 mins mini- matches. The team who has won the most number of mini matches overall wins the match. You can find more information here.
Dot Burgin Cup
A brand new competition in memory of Dot Burgin, a founder member of the club. Takes place annually - Next years date TBC .
Singles Ladder
A new competition launching on 16th Jan 2023. You can find more information HERE
We have six teams (2 men's doubles , 2 women's doubles and 2 mixed doubles) in the Watford District Tennis League which runs from April - August. We also have teams in the Hot Rackets competition with matches on Saturday (away) or Sunday(home).
During winter months we have Eight teams in the Aylesbury District Winter League which runs from September to April.
Juniors playing in Adult Events
The Committee are supportive of Juniors playing in adult events and Saturday adult social. This is by invitation only. Juniors may be invited by team captains for external competitions and to play in Saturday social by the Head Coach only.
On these occasions the Club will take no formal safeguarding responsibility for the junior player. Safeguarding remains the responsibility of the parent / guardian who must be present and, in their absence, a named alternative adult identified by the parent / adult. This alternative adult must be communicated to the team captain (for external competitions) and Ali Lyons (for social) in advance by email.
More guidance can be found HERE
Please use the BOOKING tab here.
Please note that matches have priority on the courts followed by social and coaching sessions.
Members can book free of charge; non members can book online at a cost of £10 per hour.
Visitors are welcome to accompany a member for a fee (there is a Visitors book left in the club house to be completed by the member for Health and Safely reasons). Members are responsible for signing the book and making the Visitors payments by bank transfer.
Adults £ 2.00/ Juniors £ 1. This is not intended for regular court use or for club socials.
The same visitor to the club can play for MAX 4 times per year
Payments can be made electronically to the Club's Account no: 49046077 Sort code: 09-01-28. Please ensure that the member's name is used as the payment reference
Floodlights can be used 6 days per week until 21.30, NOT Sundays.
Court 5 should be used with floodlights first, followed by Court 4 , Court 3, Court 2 and then Court 1 in that order.
If you wish to purchase tokens for the floodlights @ £3 per 30 mins you can buy them from Ali Lyons 07980 897087
To order our club kit please click on this link: Club kit
This is available for any member to order.
Every year, the Roy Smith Cup is awarded to the most Improved player at the club. Previous winners can be seen below:
Year | Winner |
2014 | I. Briggs, |
F. Myers | |
2015 | Not awarded |
2016 | S. Spikings |
2017 | A. Mudd |
2018 | W. Roe |
2019 | A. Stutely |
2020 | A. Morgans |
2021 | L. Allen |
2022 | L. Webb |
2023 | F. Bertin |
2024 | L Campbell |