
Welcome to Brackley Tennis Club

We aim to provide a warm welcome and an enjoyable environment, with excellent facilities for players of all ages and abilities.

The Club

It is not known when the Club was first formed but there are photographs in the clubhouse dating from 1908, so it is at least 100 years old.

Brackley Tennis Club is a self-funded, private members club. The Club is managed by a Committee, who are elected at the Annual General Meeting with the exception of the President who once elected stays in office for 10 years unless they choose to retire before their term of office is over.

The size of the Committee is limited to fifteen, some of whom are officers of the Club. These include the President, Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Club Captains and Match Secretary. The photographs and names of the Committee are on display in the clubhouse. Subject to a vacancy members can apply to join the Committee by approaching the Chairman or any member of the Committee.


The clubhouse has two changing rooms, a disabled toilet, a kitchen and a large social area. The keys to the courts, the light boxes for the floodlights and the net measuring sticks are kept in the clubhouse.

Before leaving please ensure that:

  1. The Clubhouse is tidy, all belongings have been picked up and that all crockery and glassware has been washed, dried and put away.
  2. All the windows are shut and locked, all the blinds have been put down, and all the lights have been turned off, including those in the toilets.
  3. In winter, the heaters are left on the FROST setting to give background heating and prevent burst pipes.
  4. The playing balls are fully accounted for and are put away into the ball cupboard.
  5. The Clubhouse door is firmly locked.

How to find us

Brackley Tennis Club
Westminster Road
NN13 7EB

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