Club Committee
We're lucky to be supported by a great committee at Bridge Tennis Club. We're always on the look out for more volunteers, though, so if you'd like to be involved then please do get in touch. The current committee members are listed below. Our committee meets every 6 weeks or so and if you'd like to raise anything for discussion, please do let us know by emailing
Martyn Hewitt (Chair)
Martiyn chairs our committee and has done for over 3 years.
Jonathan Dearth (Vice-Chair)
Jonathan joined the committee in 2024 and has a wealth of experience to bring. Jonathan also oversees the club tournament, doubles ladder and one of our league teams.
Colin Williams (Maintenance and Club Development)
Colin has been instrumental in the past year or so, bringing his time and expertise to help the club develop and maintain the facilities on offer.
Monika Rese (Finance)
Monika has been doing an amazing job overseeing the finances of the club for over 2 years now.
Stewart Bristow (Lead Coach)
Stewart has been on the courts of Bridge for over 10 years now and is instrumental in the coaching offered at the club. He delivers sessions for children from the local school as well as adult group coaching and individual lessons. His input to the club's direction is vital for its continued growth.
Simon Wilson (Membership & Website)
Simon oversees all membership and LTA Clubspark operations, including the website. With a background in all things digital and IT, his experience makes the operational aspects run smoothly.
Fiona Belston (Welfare & Safeguarding)
Together with Alan, Fiona oversees the club's commitment to welfare and safeguarding. Having undertaken the necessary training with the LTA, Fiona ensures all members have a contact for any concerns. In the first instance please email and we will ensure your concerns are passed on.
Alan Barnett (Welfare & Safeguarding)
Alan shares this role with Fiona to ensure we have suitable cover, underlying the club's commitment to welfare and safeguarding.
Position Vacant - Club Secretary
This is a pivotal role, so if any member wanted to get involved, we'd love to hear from you!
Non-Committee Volunteers
We are also lucky to have a range of extra support from members in a non-committee basis, the following help is noted:
Janet Bailes (Minutes and Committee Administration)
Janet has been a great help to the committee, taking meeting minutes and organising our discussed actions.
Penny Morgan (Cleaning rota, Lost Property and Fixtures Secretary)
Penny oversees the clubs cleaning rota which sees members volunteer on a rota basis to clean the clubhouse facilities. We are grateful for Penny's organisation of this. Penny is also your contact for lost property, as well as acting as our fixtures secretary for our league participation. If you are keen to find out more about the cleaning rota, claiming lost property or getting involved with the league teams, email us at and we'll get your details over to Penny!