Club Policies

Find below the various policies and safeguarding information we have in place at the club.


BTC Safegaurding Policy Statement - last reviewed February 2022

BTC Safeguarding Policy - last reviewed February 2022

BTC Diversity and Inclusion Policy - last reviewed February 2022

LTA Safegaurding Policy - updated 2022

Reporting a concern flowchart - updated 2022

Current Club Constition and Rules - currently being updated

Club Development Plan Guidance LTA

Defibrillator iPAD SP1 - quick guide

Defibrillator booklet

Defibrillator familiarisation video

Defibrillator full demo on a manikin



To be eligible for LTA registration we must ensure we meet the following standards:

1. Have a Safeguarding Policy and Procedures that has been clearly communicated and implemented to all involved at the venue.

2. Have a Diversity & Inclusion Policy and Procedures that has been clearly communicated and implemented to all involved at the venue.

3. Have a Welfare Officer who has undergone the necessary training and is engaged in their role.

4. Ensure that relevant roles within the venue have completed a satisfactory Criminal Records Check.

5. Have completed an annual Risk Assessment of the venue and its facilities.

6. Ensure that any coaches qualified to Level 3 or above standard are LTA Accredited or Accredited+


Taking each point in turn:

1. Please see our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures on the 'Documentation' TAB above. The policy is also displayed on the noticeboard in the clubshouse.

2. Please see our Diversity & Inclusion Policy and Procedures on the 'Documentation' TAB above. The policy is also displayed on the noticeboard in the clubshouse.

3. Our Welfare Officers are Fiona Belston and Alan Barnett.

4. A Risk Assessment was carried out ......... and can be seen HERE.

5. Our LTA Level 3 coach Stewart Bristow has LTA accreditation.


What age can children be left unsupervised at a tennis venue?

We recommend that children under the age of 13 are supervised by their parent/carer whilst at a tennis venue and outside of any venue sessions, such as coaching lessons or tennis camps. Tennis venues can, at their discretion, opt for a different age but should conduct a thorough risk assessment of the venue, including access to its facilities, the location and security measures to help inform the decision.