Contact Us

For general enquiries please email

BPTC Volunteer Committee

Chairman - Hugh Leonard - 07810 791386 

Mike Sarson - Finance - 07900 930314 - A member for over 30 years, Mike (pictured below) is Club Treasurer as well as Captain of the winter over 55 veterans and the summer Hot Rackets teams, truly a man for all seasons Mike is keen to play the whole year round!


Richard Pollock - Marketing & Communications - 07769 937446 - Richard (pictured below) joined the Club in May 2020 to reignite his tennis and has not looked back since, playing singles, doubles and socially at every opportunity. Richard manages marketing, advertising and communications as well as the annual BPTC Championships. Richard also supports the Social Committee. 


Jo Munn - Membership Secretary - 07803 945309 - A member for over 15 years, Jo (pictured below) took on the role of Membership Secretary in 2015. Enjoying social and team tennis, Jo is also the current captain of one of the ladies winter teams.


Sue Kilbey - Secretary - 07864 714576 - Sue (pictured below) joined the Club in 1996 and took on the role of Secretary soon afterwards. She enjoys social and competition tennis having captained Ladies Herts summer league and Hot Rackets teams, and playing in the winter leagues.


Lee Harkness - Social - 07767 818969 - BPTC dynamo and intermediate tennis session cordinator Lee (pictured below) won our most improved player trophy 2022 and now serves on the main and social BPTC Committee's.


Joe Sachs - Committee Member - 07737 103382 - Currently in training for his coaching qualifications, Joe (pictured below) coordinates the mens Tuesdays intermediate tennis practice sessions, is an active committee member and always up for a great game of singles or doubles. 


Tina Kleiner Mann - Committee Member & Social - 07908 780977

Dan Boucher - Coaching Liaison & Development - 07828 088471

For all tennis coaching contact information visit COACHING