Wed, 01 Sep 2021 00:00

Our term time junior squads which resume w/c Sept 6th 2021 are all based on the principles of the LTA youth programme which is designed to encourage everyone from 4-18 to get involved in tennis. The programme is split into stages based around age groups:
- LTA Youth - BLUE (ages 4-6)
- LTA Youth - RED (ages 6-8)
- LTA Youth - ORANGE (ages 8-9)
- LTA Youth - GREEN (ages 9-10)
There's an additional stage for older age juniors (LTA Youth - YELLOW) but this is covered by our Hot Shots (11+) programme. Finally, there are also special programmes such as LTA Youth - START which includes a range of kit to get kids started in tennis and LTA Youth - SCHOOLS aimed at teaching tennis in the school setting. Much more detail is available on the LTA Youth website.