Rules Summary


  1. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the Courts.
  2. Appropriate tennis shoes or non marking shoes only to be worn on court, coloured clothing is allowed.
  3. Visitors are welcome, their names should be entered in the visitor’s book by the accompanying member and visitor’s fees (£5.00 adult or junior £2.50). The Visitors Book is run by Club Secretary (and the Lounge Cafe for external £10.00 court bookings) .  Members guests are allowed up to 3 visits. Members can sign in up to 3 visitors per day and are responsible for them abiding by the club rules.
  4. It is the parents' or guardian’s responsibility to make sure that any junior member under 13 is under their supervision or their approved nominated older member at all times whilst on club premises.
  5. If members are waiting to play, those members on court should come off at the end of their set/s.
  6. Courts are open for play throughout the week though please take account of the coaching sessions Saturdays 10am to 12 and Weds 4 -6pm Changes  (will be notified) .
  7. You are to provide your own Tennis balls ensuring that they are of a reasonable playable standard, after use all balls are to be removed from the courts.
  8. Only 4 balls are allowed per court, unless being coached by the club coach.
  9. Any balls knocked over the fence must be retrieved, if from neighbouring gardens please respect their privacy and premises.
  10. It is the responsibility of the member to make sure that the courts  and playing conditions are safe, the club takes no responsibility for accidents that may have been caused by the conditions.
  11. Tennis shall not be played if there is any frost on the courts, this can also cause damage to the playing surface.
  12. At certain times priority for play is given to specific groups, please see the notice board for details. Matches and tournaments have priority.
  13. Do not take food, sweets, crisps, gum or drinks other than water onto the courts.
  14. Respect other players, do not walk across courts that are in use, walk along the back but only between points.
  15. Only paid up members are allowed to play in matches and club tournaments, match fees of £… (change in value to be agreed by the committee) must be paid for all senior matches.
  16. The toilets will be kept clean and tidy at all times the area should be left as you would expect to find them.
  17. The last person to come off the tennis club premises will ensure that the gates are secured. Padlocks scrambled and Locked
  18. Members will report any misuse of the premises/facilities to a committee member without delay.
  19. Dogs are not allowed onto club premises unless guide dogs.
  20. If membership is cancelled during the year no refund will be given.
  21. The Club cannot be responsible for loss or damage to members' or visitors' property whilst on the premises.
  22. Respect residents and other players; particularly do not use bad language on the premises.
  23. Infringements of any of these rules may mean an immediate ban from using the courts,  anyone infringing these rules may be excluded from membership after investigation and agreement by the committee.

NB. These rules are subordinate to the CASSAC constitution and regulations, a copy of which can be found with the Club Secretary John Zareba.

May 2013