

Caunton TC take the well-being and safety of all our members (juniors and adults) very seriously and want to ensure that everyone enjoys themselves at the club in a safe and fun environment.

Our Welfare Officer is Laura Hunter, who is an active member of the club whether its ladies social, coaching, team matches or club tournaments.  Laura has a background in adult and children's nursing with appropriate safeguarding training although she is now retired.  Laura would be happy to speak to anyone in confidence if they have an issue. Her email is and telephone number 07766 023642.

For copies of all of our policies/procedures see below otherwise our Safeguarding and Welfare notice board which is in the main clubhouse also details them.

Caunton TC safeguarding-policy 2023

Caunton TC whistleblowing policy 

Caunton TC Diversity and inclusion policy 2023

Caunton TC Complaint & Reporting Procedure

Reporting a concern form

Click here to view our  Club Privacy Policy