Cheadle Sports Club
Cheadle Sports Club exists to provide an enjoyable fun sporting experience for all its members. This includes ensuring our sports; bowls, cricket, lacrosse and tennis are safe and inclusive and enhance the well-being of all children and adults that are members or visitors to the club.
We recognise our responsibilities in safeguarding children as junior members or visitors to the club and that some may be more vulnerable to abuse or neglect such as those with disabilities. We are committed to ensuring
- junior members and visitors, irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability enjoy their sport in a safe and supportive environment
- junior members and visitors are protected from abuse and neglect
- junior members and junior visitors do not experience any adverse impact on their health, wellbeing and development as a result of the activities of the club or its members.
We recognise our responsibilities in safeguarding adult members or visitors to the club that are, or may become, vulnerable and that includes ensuring
- all members and visitors, irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability enjoy their sport in a safe and supportive environment
- vulnerable adults are protected from abuse and neglect
- the health and wellbeing of any vulnerable adult is not put at risk by any of the activities of the club or its members/visitors.
This Policy strives to minimise risk, deliver a positive sporting experience for everyone and respond appropriately to all safeguarding concerns/disclosures.
Child: a person under the age of eighteen years.
Adult at risk: a person aged eighteen years or over who is, or may be, in need of community care services by reason of disability, age or illness; and is, or may be, unable to take care of, or unable to protect him or herself against abuse or neglect.
Safeguarding children: protecting children from abuse and neglect, preventing the impairment of children’s health or development, ensuring that they grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best life chances.
Safeguarding adults at risk: protecting adults from abuse and/or neglect. Enabling adults to maintain control over their lives and make informed choices without coercion. Empowering adults at risk, consulting them before taking action, unless someone lacks the capacity to make a decision, or their mental health poses a risk to their own or someone else’s safety, in which case, always acting in his or her best interests.
Adult at risk of abuse or neglect: an adult who has care and support needs, is experiencing, or is at risk of abuse or neglect and because of their care and support needs cannot protect themselves against actual or potential abuse or neglect.
Abuse: the maltreatment of a child or vulnerable adult. Abuse may be emotional or physical.
Emotional abuse may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless, unloved or inadequate or not giving them the opportunity to express their views. Emotional abuse may occur when a child receives repeated negative feedback, they are ignored when trying to progress or subjected to unreasonable demands to perform above their ability.
Physical abuse may involve deliberately inflicting physical harm. This might be through exposing children or vulnerable adults to training regimes which disregard their bodies maturity, over training or over playing. It also includes encouraging children and vulnerable adults to have alcohol or try drugs, either recreational or performance enhancing.
Bullying is offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour towards another individual with the objective of humiliating, denigrating or injuring that individual. It may also involve deliberately excluding an individual or unreasonably forcing them to do something they do not want to do. Bullying is not an occasional angry or heated response. It is also not legitimate and fair criticism of a player’s performance. It is persistent and deliberate undermining and psychological manipulation.
Neglect is persistent failure to meet a child or vulnerable adults basic physical and/or psychological needs and is likely to result in impairment of health or development. It might involve a child or vulnerable adult being left alone without proper supervision, not being properly clothed or not supplied with necessary safety equipment or not having necessary nourishment or fluids.
Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or vulnerable adult to take part in sexual activities whether or not the child or vulnerable adult is aware of what is happening. It may involve physical contact or non contact activities such as looking at images.
This Policy is applicable to all employees of the club, volunteers, committee members, coaches, club members, players, parents of junior members or visitors to the club and carers of members or visitors.
It operates across Cheadle Sports Club and any match, event or activity undertaken on behalf of Cheadle Sports Club whether taking place at the club or at an ‘away’ venue.
The Management Committee have overall accountability for ensuring
- this Policy is in place, remains up to date and is reviewed annually
- each section understands its responsibilities under the Policy and implements the requirements
- each section knows any specific safeguarding regulations issues by their governing bodies, over and above the requirements of this Policy
- the views of junior members are sought, considered and integrated into the running of the club
The Chairs of each section have accountability for ensuring
- the requirements of this Policy are understood within their sections and implemented and adhered to in line with expectations of the Management Committee
- keeping up to date with any specific safeguarding regulations issues by their governing bodies, over and above the requirements of this Policy and, if appropriate sharing these with the Management Committee to enhance the existing Policy and procedures
- an appropriate Safeguarding/Welfare Officer is appointed for their section and receives the information and training required to fulfil the role
- Informing their adult members and the parents of junior members are aware of this Policy and the obligations placed on members and parents
- Investigating any concerns raised in a prompt, open and supportive manner, sharing this with the Management Committee and responding positively to any lessons learnt
The section Safeguarding/Welfare Officers are responsible for
- Acting as the first point of contact for reports of any safeguarding concerns/disclosures
- Prioritising the well-being of the child/ adult at risk at all times
- Promoting good safeguarding and wellbeing practices throughout their respective sections
- Giving advice and guidance on matters of safeguarding and wellbeing
- Assessing all safeguarding concerns/disclosures that are reported to them and instigating investigations
- Determining the seriousness of the concern/disclosure and taking appropriate action, in line with the information and training the Safeguarding/Welfare Officer has received
- Making a referral as appropriate to the Police (if it is believed the individual is in immediate danger) or Local Authority Children’s Services/Local Authority Adult Services
- Making a referral to the appropriate Designated Officer at the relevant Sporting Governing Body if the concern/disclosure is about a member of staff of the Regulating authority, a Coach official or volunteer
- Ensuring that they attend all training required to fulfil the role and keep informed and up to date with best practice
Adult Members, employees, coaches and volunteers are responsible and agree to
- Prioritising the well-being of all children and adults at risk at all times
- Treating all children and adults at risk fairly and with respect
- Helping to create a safe and inclusive environment
- Being competitive but adhering the rules and spirit of your game
- Respecting colleagues, opponents and officials.
- Trying not to make loud derogatory comments or gestures about colleagues or opponents and avoiding intimidating the opposition by threats or excessive triumphalism
- Being polite to referees, umpires etc and respecting their decisions. Not showing dissent
- Not throwing tantrums or cricket bats, lacrosse sticks or tennis rackets
- Not allowing dangerous behaviour, bullying or the use of sexist, racist, homophobic or other inappropriate language
- Reporting any concerns and all allegations of abuse or poor practice
- Not using any sanctions that humiliate or harm a child or vulnerable adult
- Valuing and celebrating diversity and making all reasonable efforts to meet individual needs
- Keeping clear boundaries between sporting and personal life, including on social media
- Having the relevant consent from parents/carers, children and adults before taking or using photos and videos
- Refraining from making physical contact with children or adults unless it is necessary as part of an emergency or congratulatory (e.g. handshake/high five)
- Avoiding being alone with a child or adult at risk unless there are exceptional circumstances
- Not abusing, neglecting, harming or discriminating against anyone; or act in a way that may be interpreted as such
Additionally Coaches are required to
- Have an up to date DBS check, keep this current and ensure any volunteer or paid assistants have an up to date DBS check
- Inform the club immediately in the event of anything that might impact on suitability to work with children or vulnerable adults, including any police interest, arrest, convictions etc
- Be a positive role model, acting with integrity, even when no one is looking
- Refrain from smoking and consuming alcohol during club activities or coaching sessions
- Not have a relationship with anyone under 18 for whom they are coaching
- Be acutely aware of the power that coaches and coaching assistants develop over players in the coaching relationship and avoid any intimacy (sexual or otherwise) with players
All parents and carers are responsible for and agree to:
- Informing club officials of any health issues or disability or personal circumstances that may affect their child when taking part in sporting activity
- Providing emergency contact details for their child and keeping these up to date
- Positively reinforcing their child’s ability and showing an interest in their sport
- Using appropriate language at all times
- Being realistic and supportive
- Never ridiculing or admonishing a child for making a mistake or losing a match
- Treating all children, adults, volunteers, coaches, Team Captains, officials and members of staff with respect
- Behaving responsibly at the venue and not embarrassing their child
- Accepting the official’s decisions and not going on to a court or field of play to interfere with matches
- Encouraging their child to play by the rules, and teaching them that they can only do their best
- Delivering and collecting your child punctually from the venue
- Ensuring your child has appropriate clothing for the weather conditions
- Ensuring your child has food and fluids or access to these
- Ensuring that your child understands their responsibilities under this Policy
- Adhering to your venue’s safeguarding policy, diversity and inclusion policy, rules and regulations
Junior members are responsible for and agree to:
- Being friendly, supportive and welcoming to other children and adults
- Playing fairly and honestly
- Respecting club staff, volunteers and Officials and accept their decisions
- Behaving with respect and listening to coaches, Team Captain and parents
- Taking care of your equipment and club property
- Respecting the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, gender, ability, race, culture, religion or sexual identity
- Not using bad, inappropriate or racist language, including on social media
- Not bullying, intimidating or harassing anyone, including on social media
- Not smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs of any kind on club premises or whilst representing the club at competitions or events
- Talking to your coach, Team Captain or trusted club member about any concerns or worries they have about themselves or others
When using the changing facilities,
- Females should use female changing facilities and males should use male changing facilities exclusively. Except in a medical emergency, a female (including a mother) should not enter a male changing area when in use and a male (including father) should not enter a female changing area.
- Players aged 10 and under must be supervised at all times with two adults of the same gender in the changing area.
- Adults should try to change and shower at separate times to children. When this is not possible parents of the same gender should be asked to supervise their child or to give consent for the sharing of changing rooms/showering facilities
Cheadle Sports Club encourages juniors to be involved in competitive matches both within their own age groups and on adult teams. This will involve transporting the child or vulnerable adult to away matches, tournaments, coaching or competitions.
- Where possible parents and carers should transport their child or arrange transport with a family member
- Where the parent or carer cannot transport their child another member may transport the child, subject to consent by the parent or carer
- Where possible there should be another adult in the vehicle when a child is being conveyed to or from a match
- Team Captains should ensure that they are aware of how any child or vulnerable adults is getting to or from a match and have an emergency contact number
Where it is believed on reasonable grounds following an investigation that there has been a breach of this Policy, the club may take action including
- Disciplinary action leading to possible exclusion from the club, dismissal and legal action
- Termination of current and future roles within the club and roles in other clubs
Where an appeal is lodged in response to a safeguarding decision made by the club, the individual should adhere to the club’s appeal procedure
How to raise a concern about a child or an adult at risk at the club
If a child or a vulnerable adult at risk is in immediate danger or risk of harm, the police should be contacted by calling 999.
Where a child or vulnerable adult at risk is not in immediate danger, any concerns about their wellbeing should be made without delay to
Jill Carswell, Safeguarding Officer, Tennis
Phone: 07787 177876
Email: theframery@live.co.uk
Jill will investigate and assess the situation. If the incident is deemed ‘low level’, the club will determine the appropriate response working with the child/child’s parents/carers. If the incident is more serious, it will be reported as appropriate to the LTA Safeguarding Team on 020 8487 7000, https://safeguardingconcern.lta.org.uk at the earliest opportunity and the relevant local authority and the police will be contacted, where appropriate.