Junior Matchplay, Events & Tournaments

Upcoming Junior Events 2024


Teenage Social Tennis & Pizza

We are delighted to announce that we will be running our first Teenager Social on Thursday 22nd August from 4pm - 6pm. Coaches will be there to arrange pairings and matches for the players to create a lively and friendly atmosphere for players to meet new members outside of their term time lessons. Afterwards, we would like to invite players to come and join us in the CSC building for some pizzas to wind down after playing, with collection being at 7pm. The pizzas will be provided by the club caterers, CoffeeZone, and the players’ £8 entry will go towards covering the cost of these. If you think your child would like any soft drinks or other snacks, please send them with some additional cash. The social session will be run by coaches Ed and Natasha. We hope to see lots of you there!

Thursday 22nd August, 4-6pm - ENTER HERE


Red Ball Matchplay (8 and under)

For players at Cheam Tennis Club is Red Ball Classes. This is a great opportunity to be introduced to tennis matchplay in a friendly environment

Thursday 29th August, 4-6pm - ENTER HERE


Boys Yellow Ball Matchplay (age 11-18)

Coach Ash is running Boys Matchplay Events for boys aged 11 to 18 at Cheam Tennis Club. Matchplay is a good chance for players at Cheam Tennis Club to play some competitive tennis against their peers.

Tuesday 13th August, 4-6pm - ENTER HERE

Tuesday 27th August, 4-6pm - ENTER HERE


Ace Coaching Junior Matchplay

Matchplay is a good chance for players at Cheam LTC to play some competitive tennis. Matches will be arranged in a round-robin format in groups of similar ability to ensure all involved will receive sufficient playing time at a competitive level. Results will be submitted to the LTA and will go towards the player’s ratings. If your child doesn`t have a BTM number then they can register for free with the LTA using the link. Please create the account for the junior player (and not yourself): https://www2.lta.org.uk/advantage/

  • Internal competitions for players at Cheam LTC
  • Sessions last two hours
  • Round Robin format so each player gets lots of matches 


Ace Coaching Match Week & LTA Team Challenge

LTA Youth Team Challenge is a fun competition designed for junior tennis players. Kids compete in small teams for points over a short series of tennis games or challenges. Lots of fun!

For 2024 we have SEVEN festival themes planned:

Easter Team Challenge - April 2024

French Open Team Challenge - May 2024

Red vs Blue Match Week - July 2024

Olympics Team Challenge - July 2024

US Open Team Challenge - August 2024

Halloween Team Challenge - October 2024

Christmas Match Week - December 2024


Cheam LTC Junior Teams


We currently enter junior teams in the Surrey National League. This is a team-based competition with both singles and doubles.

Summer Junior Surrey National League 2024 – COMING SOON


External LTA Competitions

If your child is looking to compete in external competitions, please take a look on the LTA site: https://competitions.lta.org.uk/tournaments


Please contact the Head Coach, Amit, on 07947408901 or email tennisamit@gmail.com if you have any questions regarding these events.