Full Committee

The current Committee is constituted of 5 elected members. The Committee also has the power to co-opt members.

Much of the day-to-day running of the Club will be devolved to Lawrence Rook and Mary Quantrill. 

Voting members:

Chair:                                                                              Richard Mountford

Vice Chair:                                                                    Allan Fowlie


Assistant Welfare Officer                                             Julija Shabanova

Treasurer:                                                            Carl Dunton

Environmental Sustainability Officer              Jason Too Yip Jee

Junior Secretary:           Vacant    

Director of Tennis:         Vacant

Welfare Officer                                                  Liz Godfrey ( who has the right of attendance at any meeting and full voting rights)

Invited to some meetings but non voting

Head Coach                   Justin Layne

Club Manager              Lawrence Rook

Club Manager              Mary Quantrill