Bradfield Spring Rota
This page provides the rota, rules and payment instructions for the Bradfield Indoor Tennis Rota.
- Our booking is for 90 minutes from 8.30pm to 10pm, every Thursday from September to December and from January to mid-April. The format is adult doubles.
- If you can’t play it is your responsibility to arrange a swap or substitution. Please do this by PHONE as lots of people don’t pick up emails. You can swap with anyone else on the rota or any club player (Jane Hislop on 01635 200684 has said she is available as a standby). A player of the opposite sex can be asked to fill in if you are stuck.
- There is an agreement that if a player doesn’t arrange a swap they will reimburse the other players for the session. Fortunately, no shows have now been largely eliminated but someone doing a quick ring round on a Monday is still a good idea to double-check there are no last-minute issues.
Bradfield Rota
Each year Lisa Rudgely or another volunteer from the Committee will contact you to ask for dates that you do not wish to be playing such as half-term dates when you may be away on holiday. A rota will then be sent to those that have elected to play with dates confirmed when they should be playing. Payment will then immediately have to be made to reserve your slots on the tennis rota. If you cannot play all of your slots you can, of course, swap them with another member's slots. This does not remove the need for you to pay upfront and in full for your slots. If you are unable to play it is your responsibility to find a replacement, not the tennis clubs. If you need to give your slot away to ensure that 4 people are playing, that is unfortunate, but a commitment that you make to the club and other members when you elect to play on a rota basis at Bradfield.
How much is each person due and how to pay
The charge for each session is £9 per session. The amount due will either be communicated to you with the distribution of the Rota, or you can work out the amount due by your number of slots by £9. So that things do not get too confused please can you pay the amount according to the Rota distributed and account for any subsequent transfers to and from others between yourselves. Please pay promptly (within the first couple of weeks) and include the reference “Bradfield Spring rota”. Payment options are:
- By direct bank transfer - please insert your surname and “Bradfield Spring ” or "Bradfield Winter" into the payment reference box and pay to:- Cold Ash Tennis Club: sort code : 30-95-89 / acc no. 00573073
- Or send a cheque payable to CATC to Linda Davis, 5 Sewell Close, Cold Ash, RG18 9JR - please mark the back Bradfield Autumn Rota