Box Leagues

Our current box league season is underway. The next box league will start in October 2024.

Have fun, meet like minded members and compete against players of a similar standard! This really is open to all standards of players and we hope team players and social players will give this a go.

We will be running the leagues under a new box league system provided by the LTA. The main benefit to this new system is that all matches will be used towards your personal World Tennis Number (WTN), that you automatically get as an LTA registered player.

If you would like more details on the WTN then please click on the following link


As before we will be running a mixed singles league and a mixed doubles league and the leagues are open to all club standards from intermediate/social to first team players and I, as box league organiser will start you in the relevant box for this season. We will then look to have a minimum of 1 promotion and relegation each season based on entries for each new run. We will look to have between 4 and 8 players/pairs per box dependant on number and level of entries.

The application process is quite simple but is different to previous leagues so please try to enter using the instructions below. If you come across any problems please send me an email directly and I will try to resolve the problem or add you manually to the leagues.

Please note point 7 below on the entry process if your partner enters you in the mixed doubles and then you wish to enter the singles or you have entered the singles and then find a mixed doubles partner there is a slight change in the process.

  • STEP 1: Search for LTA Competition and select the following website OR click on this link
  • STEP 2: Log in (located in the top right hand corner), using your LTA login. This will then take you to your profile.
  • STEP 3: On the left hand side there is a menu. Select box leagues.
  • STEP 4: In the search bar, type in “Comptons” and press enter
  • STEP 5: Select "Comptons Tennis Club-Box League"
  • STEP 6: Select the competition you would like to enter, and press enter. The default is the mixed adult singles. The other options appear when you select the "more" option to the side of the mixed adult singles.
  • STEP 7: If you have entered the singles or been entered in the mixed doubles already and then wish to enter another event you may have to press on My Entry, and then find edit my entry - this should then bring up the option to enter the outstanding event.

This is a new system and I know has a few teething problems but please send through any issues and we will try to resolve them as quickly as possible to

The cost of entry for the season will be £7 per person per event and you will be sent a payment reminder once all entries have been received and leagues have been set up. By entering the event you commit to paying the entry fee when requested at the start of the season.

We look forward to seeing you on the courts soon and Good Luck!