Want to help out at CPTC?

Calling all Members!

Do you want to help out at Cotham Park but you're not sure what to offer, or don't have much time? Well here's your chance -  we're encouraging our members to do 'just one thing' to help the club run smoothly. This could be anything: whether you want to run a tournament, social event, or support the maintenance team, please let us know, but if you're not sure here are a list of tasks which we always need help with:

  • Laying and leveling sand on courts 3 & 4 (only in dry / non-windy weather)
  • Powerwashing courts 1&2 once a year (usually in Spring)
  • General weeding around the edges of the courts
  • Clearing debris and sand from courts and drainage on court 1
  • Cutting back overhanging branches
  • Clearing the clubhouse gutters (requires step ladder)
  • Run the annual club tournament
  • Put up / take down the wind breaks on C3&4 in the Spring / Winter
  • Any interior design improvements: Lights, furnishings, feng shui!

And anything else you can think of! We're always open to hearing how we can improve our club so please let us know if there is something you want to do and we'll do our best to support it.