Yearly Calendar 2025
8th March
Saturday Clubhouses Spring clean and Shale courts clearing
All day from 10.00am turn up when you can for as much time as you can spare. (thanks in advance)
23rd March
Sunday Opening of the new season fun event 2.00pm - 5.00pm
13th April
American Tournament Social Event
2.00pm - 5.00pm
18th May
French Open Fun Grandslam Social Event
2.00pm - 5.00pm
8th June
Summer Family Fun Day
11.00am - 3.00pm
29th June
Wimbledon Fun Grand Slam Social Event
2.00pm - 5.00pm
Wenlock Olympics Tournament Juniors & Adults
10.00am - 4.00pm
Ladies Open Day Doubles Charity Tournament
9.30am - 3.00pm
Lots of fun tennis and a great lunch to finish a great day.
Please contact Sara Sartain for entries.....
17th August
US Open Fun Grand Slam Social Event
2.00pm - 5.00pm
21st September
Club Championships Finals
11.45am - 6.00pm
12th October
Australian Open Fun Grand Slam Social Event
2.00pm - 5.00pm
Annual Club Fundraising Quiz Night in the Cound Guildhall
7.00pm - 10.00pm
28th November (tbc)
In the Main clubhouse, Cound tennis club, Cound.
All members invited.
1st November Shale Courts Closed for Winter, back open in the spring.
If your around for the date of closure please come along to help with the covers and general preparation to protect the courts over the winter months.
20th December
Christmas Special Fun Event
12.30pm - 3.00pm
Mince pies, Mulled wine and some fun tennis...