Terms & Conditions



  • Membership begins on the Inception Date agreed and expires on the Renewal Date. These are specified by the online payment system. Upon joining or renewing, all members must either pay the full fee according to their membership category or elect to pay in monthly installments. Club membership is a 'rolling' membership with renewel date on the anniversary of the members' date of first joining or the expiry of the previous membership, whichever is the sooner.
  • Membership cost, payment methods and installment details are contained in the online membership joining/renewal process found on the club website: clubspark.lta.org.uk/CowbridgeTennisClub/Membership/Join.
  • On or near the anniversary of a member joining, a membership renewal email will be sent to all main contacts requesting them to pay promptly. Members who have not paid renewal fees within thirty days of the due date, will be deemed to have lapsed their membership and will not be entitled to use the Club facilities, enter club competitions or represent the club in competitions.
  • Members details will NOT be shared with any other party.
  • Members are assumed to give consent for photographs of themselves/their children being used in club communications and social media. The Club photography policy is in line with Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) guidelines and is available to read online & in the clubhouse.
  • For further details on Terms and Conditions please see here.