Coylton LTC Memberships Explained

Who is entitled to what and what the various membership levels mean.

1. Family Membership
The family membership unit shall normally comprise of the parents plus any number of children under 18 years of age on 31 December of the current year.  However, each parent may be substituted by a child who has reached intermediate status provided said child is unmarried.

2. Junior Membership
Junior members must be over 5 and under 16 years of age on 31 December of the current year.

3. Intermediate Membership
Intermediate membership is for players between 16 and under 18 years of age on 31 December of the current year.  Intermediate members have full adult standing.

4. Honorary Membership
Members who have given outstanding service or brought recognition to the club may be elected to honorary membership at the discretion of the committee.  Honorary members retain all their membership rights but do not require to pay an annual subscription.

5. Concessionary Membership
Adults over the age of 60, unemployed or students in full time education may claim reduced rates as set by the committee.

6. Unpaid Subscriptions
After 1 May, existing members who have not renewed their subscription will incur a surcharge of £5.00.  They may not take part in matches or club championships until the subscription is paid.

7. Reservation of Courts
The committee can reserve three courts for league matches. Friendlies, official club championships, tournaments and club coaching, as agreed by the committee, take priority on two courts.  The third court may be reserved after two weeks official notification and approval from the landlords.

8. Standing
All members may have the use of courts one and two except as in 7 (above).  Members have no standing on court three and must vacate this for any member of the public who has paid the appropriate fee.  If members are waiting, matches must be ended on completion of a short set or after half an hour’s play, whichever is the shortest.  Singles matches may not commence if sufficient numbers are waiting to form a doubles.  Junior members have no standing after 7.00 pm on weekdays or 5.00 pm at weekends.

9. Guest Players
Adult members may introduce guest players free of charge.  No person may play as a guest more than three times.  Guests must be accompanied by their host at all times.

10. Access to Courts
The last player to leave an unoccupied court is responsible for locking up.  A key is available on at the Activity Centre. From 1 May 2021, members can also access the courts by combination padlock. Members are responsible for securing the padlock after use.

11. Application for Membership
Application for new or renewed membership is normally by completing the Club Membership Application Form on the website.  Anyone having difficulty with this may in confidence contact the Subscription Secretary who can help in completing the necessary formalities.

12. Club Keys
Members requiring keys should contact a member of the committee.


Coylton LTC, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (Charity no. SC052814)