Safeguarding & Welfare



For Children safeguarding is about:- 

► Protecting children from abuse and neglect

► Preventing the impairment of children's health or development

► Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care

► Taking action to enable all children to have the best life chances.


For adults at risk it is about:- 

► Enabling adults at risk to achieve the outcomes that matter to them in their life

► Protecting their right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect

► Empowering and supporting them to make choices, stay safe and raise any concerns. 

The fundamental approach to safeguarding:-

► Begins with the assumption that an individual is best-placed to make decisions about their own wellbeing.

and then

► Taking proportional action on their behalf only if:-
        ● someone lacks the capacity to make a decision
       ● they are exposed to a life-threatening risk
       ● someone else may be at risk of harm
       ● a criminal offence has been committed or is likely to be committed.

You can access our full safeguarding policy by clicking here.



A key tenet of our Safeguaring policy is the role of a Welfare Officer within the club.  

Jackie Dowdeswell is our Welfare Officer, information about Jackie can be found here.





In the context of Safeguarding , "whistle blowing" is when someone raises a concern about the wellbieng of a child or an at risk adult.  

Our full Whistleblowing policy can be found here



We have adopted the LTA Filming and Photography Policy for LTA Competitions held at our venue.  

A copy of the  policy can be found here