Club Clothing

Our Members Modelling their Club Kit!


Sweatshirt, Ladies Cool Tee and Cool Tee Ladies Cool Tee and Cool Tee


Cool Tee Small & Cool Polo Medium Zip Hoodies Small & Medium Soft Shell Jacket Small


Go to Cringleford Tennis Club Clothing to view our range!  

We are collaborating with local company, St Cyr, to allow our members to purchase a small selection of club clothing to wear for competitive and social tennis, or just generally out and about. The products are embroidered to order and posted directly to you so you just need to use the website like any other online retailer.

Some products are available for personalisation, although this will limit your ability to return the item. 

We currently have a relatively small selection of items available but if there are additional products that you would be keen to purchase then please get in touch with Holly Setchell and we can look at having these added to the range. 


Happy shopping!