Membership Subscriptions 2024/5
The membership year is from 1st April to 31st March.
To join, or enquire, please send an email to Please read the full definitions of each membership type below.
Adult £120
Couple £204
Family £215
Single Playing Parent Family £132
Young Adult (up to 25) £44
Junior £33
Student £33
Non-Playing Social £11
Visitors Fees £3.30 per court per hour
Adult members may pay a £25 returnable deposit for a key giving access through the members entrance to the courts, clubhouse, changing rooms and toilets. Deposits are refundable on return of the key.
A visitor fee applies when guests play with a member (max of 6 times per year). Please add the visitor when making a booking and the fee will be automatically charged.
Annual subscriptions are due 1st April.
New members who join after 01 October receive a 50% discount to the annual membership charges (excludes Juniors/Students and Non-Playing Social).
Membership Definitions:
Family: up to two adults (parents, guardians or grandparents) plus up to three related children aged under eighteen. Eighteen or over, they must join in their own right, either as students or as young adults.
Single-Parent Family: one adult (parent, guardian or grandparent) plus up to three related children aged under eighteen. Eighteen or over, they must join in their own right, either as students or as young adults.
Couple: any two adults (over eighteen) residing at the same address.
Juniors: aged up to seventeen on date of application or renewal.
Young Adult: aged up to twenty five on date of application or renewal.
Students: currently in a recognised full-time education course. Evidence will be required.