Wimbledon Social / BBQ (July) - date TBC, details here when confirmed.
French Open Social / BBQ (June) - date TBC, details here when confirmed.
Spring Social BBQ (end of March) - date TBC, details here when confirmed.
Sunday 23rd March - Quiz night (round 11) at Greenmeadow Golf & Country Club - details here.
Tuesday 25th March (11am) - Disability Outreach session at the Club - details here.
Thursday 20th March - 2025-26 membership packages will be published and availble within the Membership page.
Sunday 16th March - Quiz night (round 10) at Greenmeadow Golf & Country Club
Sunday 2nd March - Quiz night (round 9) at Greenmeadow Golf & Country Club.
Thursday 13th February 6:00-8:00pm - Committee meeting at GMGC
Please contact a committee member if you wish to raise any questions or queries about the Club.
Sunday 16th February - Quiz night (round 8) at Greenmeadow Golf & Country Club
Saturday 21st December - Christmas Social (10am till 1pm) mince pies & mulled wine
Last Saturday social before Xmas, tinsel the racquet and don the antlers - interested then message Pat 07969-160641.
Sunday 15th December (round 7) - 'Christmas Quiz' night at Greenmeadow Golf & Country Club
Come and join the Tennis Club quiz team (Xmas jumpers optional) and battle for the big Xmas prize.
Sunday 8th December - Quiz night (round 6) at Greenmeadow Golf & Country Club
Struggled to raise a team for this round in aftermath of storm Darragh.
Sunday 8th December - Parent & Child Doubles event (Christmas themed)
Great opportunity to get into the festive spirit - click here for details.
Sunday 17th November - Quiz night (round 5) at Greenmeadow Golf & Country Club
Success! We came joint 4th and won the tie break, prize money added to court resurfacing fund, ok £10.00 but it's a start. Well done Alex & Clare Matthews, Richard & Sara Tennant, Sarah Horsfall & Ian Harris.
Thursday 14th November 6:00-8:00pm - Committee meeting at GMGC
Please contact a committee member if you wish to raise any questions or queries about the Club.
Sunday 3rd November - Quiz night (round 4) at Greenmeadow Golf & Country Club
We got off to a bad start in this one and came 7th again! Well done Alex & Clare Matthews and Ian Harris, onwards and upwards next time.
Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th October - Half Term Tennis Camps
Are you looking to get more tennis in for your son / daughter and keep them active over the half term break? Then send them along to these fantastic tennis camps taking place - click here for details.
Sunday 27th October - 8 & Under Grade 6 Competition (Mini Red)
Cwmbran Tennis Club will be hosting an external event open to Mini Red players. This is a great introductory event for those looking to start competing (there will be other age group events coming soon!) - click here for details of the 8 & Under competition.
Sunday 20th October - Quiz night (round 3) at Greenmeadow Golf & Country Club
Another battling performance but the questions seem to be getting harder? We came 7th in this round, well done Alex & Clare Matthews and Ian & Roxane Harris, better luck next time.
Sunday 20th October (09:00 - 15:00) - Mini / Junior Club Tournament
Contact Pat for details and to get your son / daughter signed up - 07969 760641.
Sunday 6th October - Quiz night (round 2) at Greenmeadow Golf & Country Club
Despite a lot of head scratching and concerted brain power the Tennis Club Quiz Team we came 6th in this round, well done John & Kath Dennehy and Alex & Clare Matthews.
Sunday 22nd September - Quiz night (round 1) at Greenmeadow Golf & Country Club
This year the Tennis Club are entering a team. Round 1 - we came 3rd out of 9 teams, not bad for a first attempt, well done Pat 'the coach', John & Kath Dennehy, Ian & Roxane Harris.
Sunday 15th September - Adult Club Tournament Finals Day
Who will be this years Club champs? Today's the day all will be revealed - More Here.
Saturday 24th August - Greenmeadow Golf & Country Club 'Open Day'
Cwmbran Tennis are delighted to accept an invitation to this event and will be manning a stall promoting the Club's location, tennis facilities we have to offer, available membership packages and coaching program.
Friday 19th July (15:00 - 16:30) - Bat box installation
In support of the Club's environmental sustainability strategy and also as a condition of the floodlight planning application (courts 4-6), we'll be installing x2 bat boxes in carefully selected trees around the Club. Kindly made and donated by Club members and bat enthusiasts Alex Matthews and Leon Davies. Pics here.
Saturday 13th July - LTA Wales Tour 10 and Under Tournament (1-5pm)
One day Grade 4 tournament run by Adam Newton - More Here.
Saturday 29th June from 1pm - Wimbledon BBQ
Friendly, doubles competition followed by a BBQ - More Here.
Thursday 13th June 7:00 - 9:00pm - Club AGM
All members are invited to our annual AGM, it's an opportunity to meet and vote in the Club's management committee, understand the Club structure and how the Club is run, comprehend the Clubs financial report and hear the plans for the Club's future plus provide the opportunity to ask questions. If you're interested in joining the committee please contact a committee member, we'd be pleased to hear from you - More Here.
Saturday 8th June - Green Ball event
Age 10 & Under, refereed by Pat Wilson.
Monday 27th May 10:00am - Club 'tidy-up' morning, all welcome!
A bit of Spring cleaning and weeding required, please attend if you can spare the time, many hands make light work! The 'tidy-up' will be followed by social tennis and refreshments.
Thursday 16th May 6:00-8:00pm - Committee meeting at GMGC
Please contact a committee member if you wish to raise any questions or queries about the Club.
Sunday 7th April - LTA Wales Tour 12 and Under Tournament (1-6pm)
One day Grade 5 tournament run by Adam Newton - More Here.
Saturday 30th March - LTA Wales Tour 12 and Under Tournament (1-6pm)
One day Grade 5 tournament run by Adam Newton - More Here.
Monday 25th - Thursday 28th March - Easter Tennis Camps
Separate camps for 6-10 years and 11-16 years of age - More Here.
Tuesday 26th March 6pm - Racquet Demo Day
Great chance to try out the latest models and treat yourself or someone else to a new purchase, discounted of course.
Thursday 7th March - Launch of Online Shop
Club branded products (juniors and adults) now available to purchase - More Here.
Thursday 22nd February 6:00-8:00pm - Committee meeting at GMGC
Please contact a committee member if you wish to raise any questions or queries about the Club.