
Smart Access Gates & Floodlights

Great news!

Both Smart Access Gates have now been installed and the updated court booking system is now ACTIVE!

How does the new system work and what do I need to do?:

  • The gate access system - is fully automated and fully integrates with our online court booking system accessed via the Clubs website OR via the ClubSpark mobile booking app.
  • Which courts are affected - all courts, ie. grass courts 1, 2 and 3 AND newly relaid tiger turf courts 4, 5 and 6.
  • ClubSpark - all existing and any new ClubSpark registrations have / will automatically be assigned a unique 4 digit PIN which is stored against your ClubSpark account. The PIN remains unchanged.
  • Court bookings - when you make a booking, the booking confirmation will quote your 4 digit PIN. This is the PIN you need to enter into the gate key pad in order to gain access to the relevant court.
  • PIN activation - the PIN will be activated 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after the court booking start and end times and remains active for the duration of the court booking.
  • Which gate do I use? - for courts 1, 2 and 3 use GATE 1 (opposite the steps), for courts 4, 5 and 6 use Gate 2. Your PIN allows you access to the court you've booked via the relevant gate so please use the correct gate.
  • How do I exit? - turn the silver handle on appropriate gate - Gate 1 'clockwise' / Gate 2 'anti-clockwise'.
  • Floodlights (courts 1, 2 and 3) - the ability to pre-book and pay for the floodlights during the booking process is ACTIVE.
  • Floodlight availability - between 19:00 and 23:00 everyday (updated 02.04.23).
  • Floodlights how to book / pay - any bookings made online between above start and end times will automatically incur a £2 charge per court / per hour (Members and Non-members). Payment is made at time of booking and collected via Stripe, the secure online payment system. Just enter your card details and follow instructions. 
  • Floodlights ON and OFF - if floodlights have been selected and paid for they'll auto switch on 5 minutes before you arrive on court and auto switch off 10 minutes after the end of the booked time slot.
  • Guest fee - when applicable, a additional charge of £5 per court / per hour will be incurred. Payment is made at time of booking and collected via Stripe.

Hope that's ok, if you have any questions at all please contact any committee member or post an enquiry email to