The 136th Annual General Meeting of the Dallington Lawn Tennis Club will be held in the clubhouse on Thursday 1st September, 2022 at 7.30pm for the purpose of dealing with the following agenda items:
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the 135th Annual general meeting and matters arising.
3. Treasurer’s report.
4. Committee report.
5. Election of officers: Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and up to ten members of the committee.
(All committee members are elected each year and a Chairman is elected by the committee members)
Present committee
Paul Hampden Smith (Chairman) James Fowler
Aileen Major (Hon Secretary) Tom Stevenson
Kate Thompson (Hon Treasurer) Samantha Reynolds
Gareth Cox James Haley (co-opted)
David Cooke
Gareth has given notice of his wish to stand down from the committee at the AGM
6. Consider any alteration to club rules
7. To review and consider subscriptions for the coming year.
8. Any other business.
Nominations for the committee and any proposed alterations to club rules must be lodged with the Honorary Secretary in writing at least 14 days prior to the AGM. Any such proposals shall be posted on the notice board in the clubhouse.
Aileen Major
Honorary Secretary 1st August 2022