Match Reports

Ladies Over 55's v Cornwall, 21stJuly 2024

To view this report click HERE

Mens Over 75's v Sussex, 17th June 2024

To view this report click HERE

Ladies Over 70's v Surrey, 16th July 2024

To view this report click HERE

Ladies Over 55's v Hants, 30th June 2024

To view this report click HERE

Mens Over 75's v Kent, 7th June 2024

To view this report click HERE

Ladies Over 60's v Cornwall, 8th June 2024

To view this report click HERE

Ladies Over 60's v Cambridgeshire, 19th May 2024

To view this report click HERE

Ladies Over 60's v Berkshire, 19th April 2024

To view this report click HERE

Ladies Over 75s Report May 2024

To view this report click HERE

Ladies Over 65s Report 5th May & 15th May 2024

To view 5th May report click HERE
To view 15th May report click HERE

14U GIrls County Cup April 2024

To view this report click HERE

8U County Cup April 2024

To view this report click HERE

Ladies Over 70s Report May 2024

To View this report click HERE


Vernon Weaver Report 2024

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Ladies Over 60s Match Report 2023

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Mens Over 65s Match Reports 2023

Mens 65s vs Somerset click HERE

Mens 65s vs Glous click HERE

Mens Summer County Cup 2023

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Ladies Over 35s County Cup 2023

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Ladies Summer County Cup 2023

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Ladies over 60s vs Herts & Worcs,  Aug 2023

To view this report click HERE

Mens over 75s vs Bucks,  Aug 2023

To view this report click HERE

Ladies over 75s vs Cambridgeshire,  July 2023

To view this report click HERE

Ladies over 50's vs Gloucester,  July 2023

To view this report click HERE

11U Boy's County Cup, June 2023

To view this report click HERE


Over 70s Men vs Surrey & Berkshire 2023

To view this report click HERE


Over 70s ladies vs Dorset 2023

To view this report click HERE


Vernon Weaver Trophy 2023

To view the Vernon Weaver Trophy report click HERE

18U County Cup - Boys March 2023

To view the Boys 18U County Cup report Click HERE


Ladies 65+ v Notts on Tuesday July 19th 2022

To view the Ladies 65+ vs Notts report Click HERE


11U Boys Finals - County Cup Report 2022

To view the Ladies 70+ vs Middlesex report Click HERE


Devon Mens 75s vs Wiltshire  8th June 2022 REPORT

To view the Mens 70+ vs Wiltshire report Click HERE


Devon ladies 70+ DEVON vs MIDDLESEX 13th June 2022 REPORT

To view the Ladies 70+ vs Middlesex report Click HERE


Devon Ladies 65+ DEVON v DORSET 16th May 2022 REPORT

To View the Ladies 65+ vs Dorset Click HERE


Devon Ladies 65+ vs Glos Sunday 8th May 2022

To view the Ladies 65+ report Click HERE


14U County Cup - 30th April - 1st May 2022

To view to boys County Cup report Click HERE

To view the girls County Cup report Click HERE


8U Inter-County Event 2022

What a super day of tennis!

On Sunday 27th March Devon’s 8U team all met at Taunton Tennis Centre for an inter county event. Although the sun was shining outside all the excitement, energy and drama was on the indoor courts as teams from Devon, Somerset and 2 teams from Avon competed hard to win the South West division.

All the singles matches were played first and the girls knew it was going to be tough when they were 5-3 down to Avon B, 7-1 down to Avon A, and 4-4 with Somerset!  The boys stepped up with their singles matches and were 4-4 with Avon B, 7-1 down to Avon A, and a great last match saw them 8-0 up against Somerset! Devon though, with every match played was getting better and better. 

The doubles matches, however, were going to be vital for both teams!

Following a little rest, and time to recharge the batteries after having some lunch, both the boys and girls took to the doubles court and were on fire!! Both the boys and girls won 5 out of 6 of their doubles matches with some terrific team work and huge desire to fight for every point. This meant that both the boys and girls teams were in with a shout of finishing 2nd in their division, but needed results to go their way.

After what seemed an agonising wait for the referee to work out, and check the maths, we were over the moon that both teams were presented with silver medals!!

The final results were:


Devon vs Avon B DREW 5-5
Devon vs Avon A LOST 2-8
Devon vs Somerset WON 6-4

Came 2nd by winning 1 more match than Avon B!!


Devon vs Avon B WON 6-4
Devon vs Avon A LOST 2-8
Devon vs Somerset WON 10-0

Team Captain Tracy Brown said, “It was brilliant to be involved in the first ever 8U County Cup event, and the Devon team have been working hard in county training leading up to this event.

All the children were fantastic, given their age and inexperience in anything like this. To see them fighting for every point, and working well together especially in the doubles, was just amazing. I cannot speak highly enough of each and every one of them.

I was thrilled we got 2nd place in both the boys and girls, and the look on their faces when receiving the medals was very special.”

The players were:

Girls: Louisa Olczak, Jessica Smale, Hetty Prince, Isabella Tait and Amber Ford

Boys: Harry Frickleton, Marlow Murray, Noah Nash-Wiles, Ben Hawkshaw and Dawson Brown

Team Captains: Ollie Sharpe & Tracy Brown


Devon 9U County Cup 2022 Captain's Report 2022

to View the 9U County Cup Report please click HERE



Devon Girls 18U County Cup  2022 Captain's report

To view the 18U County Cup Report please click HERE


Devon Boys 18U County Cup 2022 Captain’s Report

The Devon team of Rupert George, Ben Johnson, Zac Brown, Dan Beavis, Alfie-James Woodger, Lucas Urquiza, Parker Caleshu and Leighton Starkie was captained by Devon County coaches Liam Storey and Matt Sheaves.

The team were in Group 3b and travelled to Hills Road, Cambridge on Thursday to practice on the hard courts later that day before the competition took place indoors Friday 4th - Sunday 6th March. The boys had put in many months and years of work to get to this division with three years of successive promotions from Group 6 to 3, pre-Covid. 

The first day saw Devon take on Suffolk. The boys got off to a flyer with straight sets singles wins for Ben, Dan, Alfie, and Lucas put the team 4-2 up after singles. The boys had spent months practicing doubles before the event and it showed as Rupert and Ben, Zac and Parker and Leighton and Lucas won all their doubles matches to win the tie 7-2. A good start in the fight for promotion.

Day 2 was going to be tougher with a strong Warwickshire team to face, with one of their players flying back from Soto Tennis Academy in Spain to especially play the weekend at number 2 singles. We got off to a reasonable start with wins from Lucas at No. 6 singles, Zac at No. 4 singles and Ben at No. 2 singles. Good performances from Rupert at number 1 against Luca Pow (number 1 in GB 18U) and from Alfie and Dan too. Ben had a very good win over Sam Parsons at No. 2 singles. The level was extremely high, and the atmosphere and excitement were electric.

The tie was to be decided on the doubles. Zac and Parker were a set and 5-1 down but managed to claw it back (somehow) to win in a match tiebreak third set! Ben and Lucas went on to win their doubles to seal the victory for Devon 5-4. An amazing effort to put Devon in a position to play for promotion against Cambridgeshire on their home turf the following day. The winner would get promoted as Cambridgeshire had beaten both Suffolk and Warwickshire as well.

The last day was like Day 2 with it being 3-3 after singles. A solid win for Lucas at 6 in straight sets got the ball rolling. Ben won in a comfortable third set at No 2. The key singles match was Dan at number 4! He was on court for 3 hours and faced several match points against him but managed to win 7-6 in the third set (11-9 in the tiebreak)! That put us 3-3 after singles! 

Now it all came down to the doubles once more! Liam and Matt split the pairs again and gambled! Zac and Parker managed to come back and win at number 3 doubles again on a MTB! Ben and Lucas lost the first set and went a break down in the second but came back and won the second set! Now only the MTB left to decide the fate! They played some impressive tennis and won 10-6!

Massive energy from all the players, captains, and supporters all weekend helped the team and the elation and celebrations at the end was a special moment for Devon Tennis gaining promotion to Group 2 for the 18U Boys!

Next year we lose Rupert, Ben, Dan, and Leighton (as they are too old) from the team, so we congratulate them on all their great performances for Devon over the past 10 years in the juniors and wish them good luck in Men’s County Cups in the future.

Liam Storey

18U Age Group Captain



Somerset vs Devon over 70s - Friday 17th September Burnham on Sea - Astro Outdoor Courts

We were welcomed to Burnham on Sea around 10.30 am on 17th September.  Both captains agreed to start this game of tennis earlier than as stated (12pm in the Competition Pack).  General Rules and Regulations due to the probability of bad weather.  Travel distances were relatively short for the Devon team with Somerset being our nearest opponents.

As it turned the weather forecast was completely incorrect and instead of rain it got hotter and hotter as the day and matches progressed.

The scorecards on the website show the pairings and the results of the match.

It was a hard fought match from start to finish.  Pairings were matched so games and sets were often lengthy.  There were numerous dueces and some tie breaks, including one championship tie break in the 3rd set with our second pair against Somerset first pair.

The Devon team were very complimentary of Somerset's hospitality.  We had a lovely meal together at the end, washed down by some very welcome cold drinks.  Thank you to Somerset for a very enjoyable day.

Devon Captain - John Chidgery




Played at: Delta Centre, Swindon, Wilts.

Devon Team: 

Max Goodison (Capt)

Phil Plummer

Paul Ley

Martin Sharp

George Norman


Result: 3-2 to Wiltshire

1st Singles: Paul Ley (Devon) v Paul Denyer (Wilts) – 3-6, 4-6

2nd Singles: Phil Plummer (Devon) v Andy Smith (Wilts) – 0-6, 0-6

Doubles: Martin Sharp & Max Goodison (Devon) v James Sinclair & Glynn Stevens – 6-2, 6-1

Doubles: Phil Plummer & George Norman (Devon) v James Sinclair & Glynn Stevens – 6-4, 6-4

Doubles: Martin Sharp & Max Goodison v Paul Denyer & Andy Smith – 1-6, 6-2, 0-1


Wiltshire were clearly the stronger team in the singles, winning both rubbers convincingly. The doubles were a different matter, however, and the overall match result hinged on the final championship tiebreak in the second doubles, which went to the wire, Devon losing it 10-8.

The match was played in good spirit and in good, indoor conditions.