


County Cup Report

On Saturday against West of Scotland, Susie Hill had a storming start in singles to put us on the leaderboard. Then with start stop rain for Sally Rana, a tense time to be called off at 4-0 30-15 up in the second set. Rain called off all tennis for the rest of the day.

Sunday, the sun was shining and despite losing the first game back, Sally stormed ahead to win 6-2. Next Juliet Daniel and Nikki Trewin had a lively match to finish with a 3-0 win against West of Scotland.

Sunday was a 4-1 win against Isle of Man with another fantastic singles performance from Susie who took on a speedy player. Juliet and Nikki had to be on top form from the get go as the afternoon play was fast 4’s and secured the win. Susie and Harriet followed who dominated their doubles match to secure the 4-1 win.

Monday Susie won her singles match 6-0 6-0 which put Devon ahead to start the day. Our next three matches were nerve wracking with Sally just missing out on the win, with a third set match tie break and the same for Juliet and Nikki in the doubles. Susie and Harriet narrowly missed out with another third set match tie break which made it 3-1 down for the day. Despite knowing Devon had lost the day, Juliet and Nikki gave it their all and came out with a win in another third set match tie break, which also meant Devon got a promotion to Division 5.

A special mention to Susie Hill who played her first singles match for Devon and won all three matches whilst only dropping 3 games in total along the way.