Safeguarding and Welfare

Downswood LTC is committed to providing a safe, secure and inclusive environment to allow people of all ages and abilities to play and enjoy tennis at our Club.
We have a Changing Room Policy, a Safeguarding and Whistleblowing Policy and a Diversity and Inclusion Policy, which have been approved by the Management Committee and circulated to all adult members and the parents' or guardians' of junior members. They are also available in the clubhouse, or can be found here -
Safeguarding and Whistleblowing Policy
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
The upholding of these policies is the responsibility of all. Ignoring an incident is not an option. If you have a concern please report it to our Welfare Officer (see photograph) -
Dr Amanda Free E-mail: Mobile: 07747 632999
If you would prefer to report a concern to someone outside the Club, please contact the LTA Safeguarding Team directly on 020 8487 7000, the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO ) on 0300 123 1650, or the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.
A Reporting a Concern form can be found here or in the clubhouse.
Anyone supervising children at our Club is CRB/DBS checked. Presently certificates are held by –
Head Coach: Mrs Penny Batchelor
Welfare Officer: Dr Amanda Free
Junior Co-Ordinator: Mrs Janet Dunbar