
If you are interested in playing competitively, Downswood can offer a number of different options:
Club Competitions
- The Club runs two adult tournaments each year, one in the summer and one in the autumn, the latter is handicapped. Both include singles, doubles and mixed doubles competitions. There is also a mixed verterans' competition once a year
- One day events - American tournaments, junior/adult tournaments etc
Check for dates and sign up on the notice board in the clubhouse.
Local Leagues
- Dorking and Leatherhead League - summer (May - July) weekday evenings
- Surrey County Summer League (ladies doubles only) - summer (April - September) Sundays
- Surrey County Winter League - winter (October - March) Sundays
Contact the appropriate captain if you wish to be considered for a team.
Friendly Matches
- The Club plays a number of friendly matches against local clubs during the summer months