Tennis Singles Box Leagues

Tennis Singles Box Leagues

The box leagues are open to men and ladies of any standards who are members of the sports club and are free to enter.

Each League consist of three or four players and changes every month with each match being the best of two sets with players being promoted and relegated.

To join and see what the rules are then email Tony -

click on the tennis league quick link below to see fixtures and results.


Dumfries Tennis Club Singles Box Leagues 2025


Dumfries Tennis Club Singles Box Leagues 2024

Dumfries Tennis Club Singles Box Leagues 2023

Dumfries Tennis Club Singles Box League - October 2022 - Draws - S

Dumfries Tennis Club Winter Box Leagues - Fixtures and Results

Dumfries Tennis Club 2021 Box Leagues Results

Dumfries Tennis Club Box League 2020 - Results

Dumfries Tennis Club Box League Summer 2019

Dumfries Tennis Club Box Leagues 2019

Dumfries Tennis Club Box Leagues 2018

Tennis Box Leagues Results for 2017

Singles Box Leagues

The Box Leagues are open to Men, Ladies (any standard) and invited juniors who are member of the club and will be run all year round.

The Leagues will consist of three or four players per league thus keeping the player commitment down to playing only two or three games per month.

The matches played each month are the best of two sets (tie-breaks in each). See below for rules, contact information and how to enter.

Rules are simple:

  1. Please attempt to complete all your matches by end of the relevant month.
  2. All matches are the best of 2 full first to 6 (tie-break) sets. (All tie breaks are the first to seven with two points clear, if tie break goes to 6-6 then the first to go two points clear thereafter wins)
  3. Start arranging your matches whenever the leagues are posted.

If you are having problems arranging matches with opponents, notify me ASAP and I will consider whether walkovers are appropriate.


  1. Promotion & Relegation will be determined generally on a one-up, one down basis

(but depending on the size of the Divisions and fresh exoduses and influxes, this

could change). The final standings of each group shall be determined by the following priority:

a) Greatest number of points;

b) Head to head result of that month for tied players;                           

c) Greatest number of wins;

d) Highest percentage of games won out of the games played;

e) Head to head results from previous leagues.


  1. Points are allocated, according to the following

a) 1 point for playing the match,

b) 1 point for each set won,

c) 2 points for winning the match,

d) 1 point for a drawn match.


  1. The winner is responsible for submitting the results, see below.
  2. If a match has to be abandoned (e.g. due to bad weather, loss of court availability or the courts are timed out and the lights go off), then the match must be replayed in its entirety, unless at least the first set has been completed, in which case the match shall proceed from the point when it was halted. If the match cannot be completed before the month is over then in this circumstance points will be allocated for playing the match, set won and winning the match. Even if the opponent is 5-0 up in the second but lost the first then the first set winner wins the game.
  1. When a player is in a position where he can be promoted or relegated at the end of the League, but his remaining opponents are unavailable to play (see rule 3), then a walkover can be requested. In such case, the walkover comprises: 4 points, (2 for a win and 1 for each of their 2 x 6-0 sets).
  1. Matches that have NOT been completed by the end of the relevant month, shall be deemed to be void
  1. Any player who becomes injured or for any other reason cannot play that month will be relegated unless they are already in the bottom league.
  2. Players re-joining the league will be placed as close to the leaving position as possible.
  3. New players joining the league will be placed within the league at the Organiser’s discretion.
  4. The Organiser's decision on all matters is final.


  1. Please submit results to Tony McCluskey by either

Emailing to 

Text or WhatsApp to 07738 899917 

I will get the results updated monthly on the Dumfries Tennis Club website



players may be removed from leagues if they have not played at least 1 match.