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At Durham Moor Tennis Club we are keen to provide  for all ages and abilities.

Whilst our coach Sam is recovering from illness, we have a new coach Anthony Wilson who will be taking over our new programme and will be supported by Sam off court with plans for a bigger and better programme in the future. Anthony has been coaching for the past few years and is very keen to develop our new programme for juniors.

Individual and small groups sessions are available for both adults and juniors by contacting Anthony directly on 07480111517.

Junior coaching runs from 4-9pm Fridays and Saturdays 8-2pm term time. Holiday camps are provided through the year.

There is a discount applied to coaching for Mini and Junior members.

Mini membership (U10yrs) is £25.00. Junior membership (10&Over) is £40.00, running from 1st April - 31st March. Click Here if you wish to learn more about membership.