
More booking option for courts

Following the success of over 100 people signing up to be able to book courts 1 & 2 at Egerton Park the Council is looking to extend options to book other courts from April 2021. This will include all courts except those used by Bexhill Tennis club - courts 3 & 5 and has been requested by players.

Users will still be able to turn up and take a chance of a court being free or can see on this website what is available before making an unnecessary trip down and waiting.  Anyone booking has priority and anyone using the courts are obliged to agree to the conditions of using the courts. Any formal coaching will need to be notified to the council to ensure those coaching are qualified, insured and registered as part of safeguarding requirements. Players should also check the credentials of any coaches if they are receiving tuition.

If you do book in advance there will be a fee of £1.50 be half hour which will be introduced during April. This money will be used towards costs of running and maintaining the courts.