
Help people to play. Become a Barclays Free Park Tennis Activator.

Play your part in helping people in your community play tennis for free at Egerton Park, Bexhill by becoming a Barclays Free Park Tennis Activator.

Your support may be the reason why someone picks up a racket for the first time and discovers a new sport for life.

Rother District Council and the coaching provider at Egerton Park, Egerton Park Tennis Coaching are working with the Lawn Tennis Association to provide more opportunities for residents to start playing tennis.

This includes developing volunteers to help with Barclays Free Park Tennis sessions at the park this winter and fully launching free Saturday morning sessions in spring next year.

We are looking for more people to join the current local team of volunteers. We would like anyone who could give some time to encouraging others to enjoy the game and help develop community tennis in the park. We would like a mix and range of ages and different backgrounds who feel they would be good at encouraging and supporting those who are less likely to play tennis to give it a go.

Barclays Free Park Tennis sessions are happening nationally, and we want the public courts in Bexhill to be part of this. The experiences elsewhere show sessions wouldn’t be possible without the incredible work of volunteer activators. They play a vital role planning and leading fun activities on court as well as collaborating with venues and operators to more people get active and enjoy tennis with free weekly sessions.

You don’t need to be a coach or even have that much experience playing tennis, anyone can become a Barclays Free Park Tennis Activator and the training will give you everything you need to succeed.

Becoming a Barclays Free Park Tennis Activator is simple and free for you to apply: Barclays Free Park Tennis Activators | Tennis Volunteers | LTA

Why not give it a go and play a role in helping people play tennis and making good use of the newly refurbished courts?