
Safeguarding and safety playing tennis your views welcome


Safeguarding & Safety Visit - Egerton Park

Rother District Council, with their contractors who help maintain the courts, aim for everyone playing tennis a safe and enjoyable visit. To help various improvements have taken place over the last year and more information has been provided via the development of the website and new signs in the park. The signs include details on who to contact if there are safeguarding and safety issues alongside any urgent issues that should be reported to the appropriate emergency service. For safeguarding the council requirements are that only qualified registered coaches are allowed to use the courts.  Details are on the website and on signs in the park of those coaches who have provided this to the council.

Rother District Council works with the Lawn Tennis Association which require its own safeguarding procedures to be followed. This includes providing evidence around safeguarding and inspection visits.  Part of this is looking at any incidents that may have occured or any comments users of the park may have. With safeguarding being everyones responsibility if there are areas to improve please let us know so this can be included.

submitting comments

If you have anything you wish to add around safety or safeguarding prior to a visit early December please use the following link to comments form  by 2nd December 2021.

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