New court progress pictures

Below are a selection of the progress of new courts that are being completed currently, take a look at the progress.


Week 7 - 27 November 2020

Wow.....the courts look so good.  We are nearly there, just a few finishing touches and it should be all done, just in time for the lifting of lockdown. Great timing.  All members will receive a email soon which details the way in which the courts need to be brushed etc prior to and after play.  

The clay courts need a couple of weeks to bed in and during that time the bounce maybe rather uneven in places - can’t be helped.  Trevor May will be coming back in 4 - 6 weeks time to check sand and clay levels and updated as necessary.  

May I ask all members to take care of the courts and look after them like it was your home.   Lets keep them in good condition and let all do our bit.  A little work by many makes it easier for us all.   :)




Week 6 - 20 Novemebr 2020

There has been a delay in the clay carpet being laid due to delivery delays and also the bad weather recently therefore not much progress this week.  The step onto Court 2 and 3 has been fixed and it is looking good.  The carpet should be laid next week.  Once it is laid it will require at least 2 weeks of regular play for it to settle.  Please do not be alarmed when you first play on it and the bounces are not consistent as it takes time to settle in.

Week 5 - 10 November 2020

Pathes fixed by court 3 and ready for the brand new clay carpets to be laid.  We are waiting for the carpet the arrive.  There has been a delay due to lockdown and also the bad weather.  

Week 4 - 2 November 2020

Look at our brand new court 1, wow it looks so nice, can't wait to play on it.  Making nice progress although weather has delayed laying of the Artificial Clay courts by a week or so.





Week 3 - 26 October 2020

Waiting for the carpet to arrive this week.  Base layer surface cleaned ande repaired.  Old carpet all removed.  Fencing holes ready and fencing being put up now.




Week 2 - October 19th 2020

Fencing being prepared, some power tools and the old turf being carted out.  All so exciting.

new courts


Week 1 - October 15th 2020

Old court surface being rolled up and base surface being cleaned.  Its so exciting.  

new surface artificial clay artificial grass ewell tennis