Accidents and Insurance

Players should exercise due care when playing on the courts and should not play if they are suffering from a medical condition which may put them at risk or if they are feeling unwell. Appropriate footwear should always be worn.

A first aid box is kept in the lockernext to Court 1  for use by players in case of accident. 

defibrillator is available on the wall of the Pavilion Shed adjacent to the west side court gate. Call 999 and state your location to the operator, who will then give you the defibrillator access code..

The Club has public liability insurance cover as an LTA registered affiliate venue.

In the event of a serious accident, details should be inserted in the Accident Report Book (kept in the locker next to Court 1) and communicated in writing to for action by the Committee

Note that members’ belongings are brought to the courts at their own risk.