Register a Safeguarding Concern with the LTA Safeguarding Team
The ongoing well-being, health and safety of our members and guests is critical to the successful operation of our club.
We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children (anyone under 18) and adults at risk. We are committed to ensuring our safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and LTA standards.
The Welfare Officer poster is displayed at the courtside and on the Pavilion noticeboard. Anyone can contact the Club's Welfare Officer if they have any safegauarding concerns and these will be addressed sensitively and confidentially.
The overriding aim is to ensure that children, young people, adults at risk and all other members are safe, welcomed respected and valued when participating in activities at the club.
The LTA Safeguarding webpage has full details of the support and resources available.
Welfare Officer: Chris Taylor
Chris works to promote safeguarding, diversity and inclusion and ensure compliance with the LTA's standards for venue registration.
Phone: 07778 368731
Local Authority Contacts
The West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership:
Phone: 01403 229 900 (weekdays 9am-5pm) or 03302 226664 (24-hour number)
The West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board:
Phone: 03302 227952 or 03302 227007 (Adult Social Care 24-hour emergency number)
The Local Authority Designated Officer:
Phone: 03302 226450
Young Persons Welfare Ambassador
The role is not currently filled.
FTC Safeguarding Policies
The Club's safeguarding policies, guidance and forms are listed below. Click to download
• Safeguarding Policy Statement
• Diversity and Inclusion Policy
• Use of Changing Facilities Policy
• Compliments, Complaints and Disciplinary Policy
• Online Safety and Communication Policy
• Photography and Filming Policy
LTA Safeguarding Guidance
• Events, Activities and Competitions Guidance
• Mental Health and Well-Being Advice and Support
• Supporting Players with their Mental Health
• Safeguarding Guidance for Livestreaming Activities (Coaches)
• Safeguarding Guide for County Cup and League Matches
• Staying Safe Online Guidance
Safeguarding Forms
• Acceptable Use Statement for Internet and Social Media Use
• Photography and Filming Consent Form
• Self-Declaration form (for Club Officer use)
• Reference Request form (for Club Officer use)
• Risk Assessment Template (for Club Officer use)