Member's Guests

Members may invite non-member guests to play with them but must pay a fee of £5 per guest for each booked session.  The Club member inviting guests  is responsible for paying the guest fee.

Please make payments promptly,

You can pay by credit/debit card by clicking the button below: 

Or alternatively you can make an online bank transfer to:

  • Account Name: Fernhurst Tennis Club Ltd
  • Account No: 87045260
  • Sort Code: 30-99-50
  • Reference: YOUR SURNAME and GUEST

..and please then email: to notify us of the name of the guest.

A guest may play upto four times in a year. 

If your guests live locally or are frequent visitors to the area we would love your guests to consider joining as a member.  Anyone interested in joining is welcome to attend upto three  Club  "Roll up" sessions (at no cost) to help decide whether they would like to join.