Ladies Tennis

If you are interested in playing for the teams or would like more information, please contact our Ladies' Captain,  Nim Bhanabhai via:


Winter Teams (2024/2025):

  • Ladies Vets Warwickshire Winter League - 3 teams
  • Winter Warwickshire League 

Winter Team Captains (2024/2025):

  • Vets 1, Division  1 - Kate Hayes
  • Vets 2, Division 2 - Georgina Giordanengo
  • Vets 3, Division 4 - Alyson Weaver & Katie Waterworth


  • Warwickshire Winter League, Division 2 - Annabel Hill & Sophie Westlake


Summer Teams (2025):

  • Birmingham League - 5 teams
  • Metropolitan Summer League - 1 team
  • Cup n Saucer - 1 team

Summer Team Captains (2025):

  • 1st Team, Division 1 - TBC
  • 2nd Team, Division 2 - TBC
  • 3rd Team, Division 4 - TBC
  • 4th Team, Division 4 - TBC
  • 5th Team, Division 7 - TBC


  • Mets 1, Division 1 - TBC


  • Cup n Saucer - Lisa Maynard



Four Oaks Tennis Club provides a wide range of opportunities for ladies of all ages and playing abilities to enjoy inter-club competition. During the summer we enter five teams in the Birmingham league and one team in the Metropolitan league. We also enter the popular Cup & Saucer league played in the daytime during the week. During the winter months we enter three veterans' teams in the Birmingham league and one team in the Helen Cole league.

Ladies Practice is held on Wednesday evenings  (by invitation)

If you want to track the progress of our teams throughout the season, please click on the link below: 
