

Member Survey

Firstly, thank you for completing the Member Survey. We had 86 responses (29% response rate which is pretty good). Summary of responses:

Most think membership cost is reasonable - 3 do not and 6 think the types of membership do not meet their needs. 2 are unlikely to renew due to dissatisfaction and 5 others for various other reasons: age and fitness, life membership, ‘just not used membership’.

The majority of respondents play most of the year, usually weekdays daytime/evening or weekend daytime. Courts are not used much on weekend evenings. 36 (of 86) do not have a regular playing partner and were invited to contact the membership secretary if they would like an introduction to similar players. Over half do not play in club sessions or team matches for various reasons. 11 stated they would like to play matches and 8 provided their email address. We will be in touch soon and please contact with your details if you haven’t already done so. New team players are always welcome.

There is interest in more competitions, more organised club sessions and social kids’ sessions, more tournaments and mixed sessions.

42 respondents receive coaching: 37 are satisfied/very satisfied, 4 stated they were dissatisfied – feedback centred around the need for doubles/tactics coaching to improve match play and performance in the leagues, pathway for juniors to play in senior teams and club-coached sessions for new members.

34 respondents do not have coaching at GTC: 17 said it does not meet their needs. Reasons cited were the preference for indoor coaching at Bradfield/ choose to go elsewhere, don’t have time, need specialist/bespoke coaching, coaching is stagnant/lack of variety, need more practice first, need team coaching, too old and 2 requesting the option to bring in another/external coach.

Suggestions for future coaching are doubles strategy (25), specific skills clinics (20), beginner/return to play lessons (15), Cardio tennis (1) and high calibre men’s coaching (1).

Goring Tennis Club is run on behalf of its members by a small group of volunteers who form the committee. Any additional help is always welcome - we know lives are busy and are very grateful to the 8 people who kindly offered their skills. Thank you. Please email with your preferred contact info, if you haven’t already, so we can welcome you to the team!

Actions: We have already contacted respondents who provided their email address about offers of support and match play. We have set up a sub-committee to review coaching provision.

We are going to prioritise projects which improve the infrastructure of the club: - provision of floodlighting to courts 3 & 4 and conversion of the old lights to LED (target within 2 years) - court repainting (target: within 2-3 years) - court resurfacing (within 8-10 years as estimated by court maintenance company) - provide modern toilet facilities either within a new clubhouse or in a joint pavilion project with the football clubs

Negotiations with the Parish council about a new long-term lease will get underway shortly. Please contact if you have experience with project management or fundraising and would like to help with the floodlights project.

In the future we will provide: -

An active and warm welcome to new and returning members. We want everyone to feel comfortable down at the club and happy playing tennis with us.  

Clear, accessible communication for all members on the different types, and programme, of coaching available with details of who it is suitable for (on the website, on boards inside and outside the clubhouse).

Clarity on the integration of juniors into senior play and intra-junior tennis (social and matches) and a review of the junior tennis on offer.

A clear Safeguarding, Code of Conduct and Anti-bullying policy

Review of membership packages

There is a lot to do! Most of the committee members work, have families and other commitments. Please bare with us, but do get in touch if you have any questions.