Keys to the Clubhouse & Floodlight Tokens

Clubhouse Keys
All members can purchase a Clubhouse key for a fee of £21 To purchase a key, please email and we'll arrange to get a set to you in exchange for your online payment. Keys are to be used by adult members only and a junior can only use the clubhouse if they have an adult with them.
Floodlight Tokens
Floodlight tokens provide 60 minutes play per court and are currently available free of charge (to members only), though the committee reserves the right to charge for them again if deemed necessary .
The control box is on the wall to your left as you enter the clubhouse and tokens can be found on the small table.
To use the tokens, please choose your court (Court 1 is the top box, Court 3 is the bottom box), and place one token in the slot on the right hand side of the box as you look at it.
Once your token is accepted, the clock will count down from 60:00 minutes. The lights will switch on immediately, but please note it will take a couple of minutes for them to warm up to full brightness.
On completion of your time, the lights will automatically switch off. If you would like to continue playing, insert a further token. The floodlights will again take a couple of minutes to warm up to full brightness.
If you have any issues with floodlights, please contact