About Gullane Tennis Club

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Situated in the picturesque seaside village of Gullane, the tennis club has a ‘character-filled’ traditional clubhouse situated adjacent to our three all-weather tennis courts. All of the tennis courts have floodlights (free for members' use) and there is also a practice wall. The clubhouse comprises a sitting area, kitchen, changing facilities and WCs.
Gullane Tennis Club welcomes new members. There are various categories of membership including Adult, Concession, Junior, Student, Family and Non-playing. You can apply for membership here.
Court Booking
Court booking is currently mandatory. Courts can be booked via the Clubspark website by clicking here: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/GullaneLTC/Booking/BookByDate
When you book a court, you will receive notification of the current gate code in your confirmation email.
The committee is responsible for the running of the club and is formed of members representing the club community. We are always looking to recruit new members to the committee, and in particular are currently seeking someone who is handy with IT and/or marketing. None of the roles is particularly onerous, either in time or workload, and committee membership is a great way to get to know others and become a valued member of the club. To discuss these roles in confidence - what they involve and what you might bring to them - please email membership@gullanetennis club.com, or contact one of the committee direct.
You can contact the committee using the contact details below.
President - Sarah Lang | m: 07717 022483| e: sarahlangswiss@gmail.com
Treasurer - Adrian Cudby | m: 07525 101882 | e: acudby@googlemail.com
Membership Secretary - Debbie Spens | m: 07889 122736 | e: debbiespens@gmail.com
Ladies Team Contact - Caroline Freeman | m: 07789 220507 | e: carolinealicefreeman@hotmail.com
Men's Team Captain - Bryan Leslie | m: 07919 385777 | e: bryanleslie@outlook.com
Head Coach - Roddy Barbour | m: 07956 569410 | e: roderickbarbour@aim.com
Junior Convenor - Clare Tulloch | m: | e: claremorrison@hotmail.com
General Committee Member - Keir Mitchelmore, Gillian Zanre
Welfare Officer - Sheila Low sheila.low@hotmail.co.uk
We have three club teams: a men's team competing as 'Men of Gullane' on Wednesday evenings, and two Ladies' teams competing with other players as an East Lothian Community team on Thursday evenings.
Men's Team Captain - Bryan Leslie | m: 07919 385777 | e: bryanleslie@outlook.com
Ladies' Team Contact - Caroline Freeman | m: 07789 220507 | e: carolinealicefreeman@hotmail.com
Ladies' Team Contact - Annabel Stirling | m: 07953 026421 | e: annabel@iainstirling.com
Welfare Policy: Safeguarding and Protection in Tennis
Gullane Tennis Club aims to create an enjoyable environment for everyone who wishes to take part in tennis and social activities at the club.
We believe that everyone has the right to be safe, secure and free from threat and have the right to be treated with respect and to have their concerns listened to and acted upon.
We will ensure that the club provides for the needs of all members through specific programmes and safe practice.
We have procedures in place to respond to any concerns or issues that arise from children, young people and adults at risk in a confidential and sensitive manner.
We ensure that all relevant people have been vetted and approved through the Disclosure Scotland process.
We also ensure that all of those working with children are made aware of the LTA code of conduct for people working with children in tennis, and are required to follow it.
As a club, we are committed to encouraging and maintaining a culture where people can raise a genuine safeguarding concern and be taken seriously.
The club has an appointed Welfare Officer who is specifically responsible for children, young people and adults at risk. Our Welfare Officer is
Sheila Low e-mail sheila.low@hotmail.co.uk
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Gullane Tennis Club is 100% committed to treating every single club member fairly and with respect. No one will be denied access to our facilities because of discrimination in any form.
The Club follows the LTA Equality & Diversity policy, which can be accessed by following this link.
You can access our Safeguarding Policy here.
You can access our Diversity & Inclusion Policy here.
You can access our Code of Conduct and Reporting Policy here.
You can access our Events,Activities and Competition Guidance Policy here.
You can access our Photography Policy here.
You can access our Report a concern here.
You can access ourOnline Safety and Communication Policy here.
You can access our Use of Changing Room policy here.
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments regarding Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the club, please contact the Club Welfare Officer, Sheila Low , sheila.low@hotmail.co.uk
Safeguarding is discussed at committee meetings and policy documents are reviewed annually. Last review was March 2024.