The membership year runs for 12 months from application or renewal. If you require financial assistance with your membership, please contact the committee via email.
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New membership prices were agreed at the AGM on 12th March 2024 - we had not put up prices since 2012.
12 months membership
For individuals aged 19 years or over
Eligibility: For individuals aged 19 years or over, that are not eligible for Concessions or Student Membership. Ages as at date of application.
Concessions (65+)
12 months membership
For Adult Individuals 65 years or over
Eligibility: For Adult Individuals 65 years or over. Ages at at date of application/renewal
12 months membership
For Families: Two Adults and children under 19 years of age
Eligibility: For Families: Two Adults and children under 19 years of age Ages at application / renewal date.
12 months membership
Individual junior player, from age 8 up to and including aged 18
Eligibility: Individual junior player, from age 8 up to and including aged 18. Ages as at application / renewal date.
12 months membership
Individuals aged between 19 and 22 years who must be in full-time education
Eligibility: Individuals aged between 19 and 22 years who must be in full-time education. Ages as at application / renewal date
12 months membership
Individual membership for a child, up to and including age 7 at date of renewal.
Eligibility: Individual membership for a child, up to and including age 7. Ages as at application / renewal date.