
Our new Website


Check out our new Website

Hale LTC is on Clubspark!


By now you’ll probably be familiar with our new website. It uses an LTA tool called ‘Clubspark’ designed for tennis clubs like ours.

Our team has been busy on a challenging timeline populating it with all the information you need to know or find. It’s still ‘under construction’ as the technical chaps say, but starting to look good. Google Hale LTC to find it.

Have a look and let us know what you think (all suggestions and feedback welcome) at

Many of you (over 80% of members so far) have loaded your details as you renew your membership or apply as a new member. It’s new and we know some have had challenges to get access. Thanks for your patience and perseverance! The glitches / gremlins are getting sorted. You only have to get on the system once. Next year will be simple.

If you’ve not managed to renew membership at ‘Become a member’ let Linda Walsh or Kevin Smith know at and we’ll help you through it. Memberships are overdue!

For you the site means access to some new and useful functions: You can:

-        Set up direct debits to automatically renew next year on your sign in at ‘Become a member’

-        Book floodlit courts and see availability at ‘Book a Court’

-        See the many tennis and social events the club has scheduled or planned this year (Many are loaded on ‘Events’ and more will follow).

-        Book your place on selected events. Try booking your place for the upcoming events - Supa 16, Presidents Roll up and Team training in March – (Even if there’s no charge it helps coaches and organisers plan for events)

-        Check out coaching activities and contacts

-        See news bulletins at ‘News’. We’ll continue to mail the ‘Passing Shots’ bulletins as before but please go to the site to see information. It’s all there.

-        Check the honours board – Are you on it? (Yet?)

-        Find contact information for committee members and others who volunteer their services including of course the coaches and team captains.

-        View the club rules, code of conduct and safeguarding and diversity policies

We hope you like it!

By the way, we already see the site will dramatically reduce the workload for your club’s volunteers, especially at this busy membership time of year. And because you manage your own information we know it will be right!