Hale Members represent the club in both mens and ladies tennis in the Summer and Winter.
Summer Teams for the ladies are all played in the NECLTL | North East Cheshire Lawn Tennis League.
Summer Teams for the men play in the NECLTL and SWMTL | South West Manchester Tennis League.
Five Ladies teams | Premier Division, 1st Division, 3rd Division, 5th Division and 8th Division.
Five Mens teams 5 in NECLTL | 1st Division , 2nd Division, 3rd Division, 5th Division, and 6th Division.
One -in the SWMLTL | Division 4.
Summer Season runs from April to July with possible August matches if any matches have not been played due to inclement weather.
Four Teams in the East Cheshire Winter Tennis League.
The winter tennis runs from October through to March. It's a mixed format event, with two sets men and ladies doubles then two sets mixed.
Lead Contacts for both Summer and Winter
LADIES: Susie Brown
M. 07970 454 024
MEN'S: Pete Murray
M. 07766 367066