Our volunteers and what they do

Office holders

Club President - John Jellema

Treasurer - Ian Allingham

Secretary - Stephen Mungall

Head Coach and Development Manager - Ian Cannon (07759941136 and www.ictennis.co.uk for all coaching enquiries)

Policy responsibilities

Developing competition - John Jellema and Ian Cannon

Developing social play - Andrew Townsley and Corinne Black

Coaching and player development - Ian Cannon and John Jellema

Facilities and grounds - Andrew Townsley, Jon Plant and John Gilchrist

Membership growth and retention - John Jellema and Ian Cannon

Succession planning and volunteering - Stephen Mungall and Louise Murray

Marketing and social media - Ian Cannon and Andrew Townsley

Finance and maximising income - Ian Allingham, Louise Murray and Stephen Mungall

The above people are on our committee for 2024/25.

Other key volunteers

Welfare officer - Ross Anderson

We are very proud to have as our Honorary President Dan Russell.  Thanks to our many team captains who give freely of their time.

Contact us now (but contact our coach directly for coaching)

Where to find us

We are located in South Lanarkshire, Scotland ML3 7BN. 

Hamilton LTC
Blackswell Lane, HAMILTON HAMILTON Scotland West ML3 7BN