
2017 Box League Rules


Box league tournaments consist of leagues of up to 10 players.  Each tournament lasts for about two months so that at least four tournaments can be run each year. All the match scores are maintained on the same web based system as are used for booking tennis courts.

Basic Rules

  • Please book your match using the court booking system.  Note that matches must not be played on courts booked for other events eg Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday social tennis sessions.
  • Play 12 games against your opponent using the normal tennis scoring system for scoring games.
  • Record the score promptly on line as, for example 10-2.  The system will automatically award an extra 2 points to your score for playing the game.
  • At the end of the tournament period, access to update any box league scores will be stopped.  So if you delay recording any of your match scores beyond the tournament end date those scores will not count.  The total scores for each player will determine the ranking in each league.  Normally the two highest ranked players will move up a league and the two lowest ranked players down a league, although the tournament committee reserves the right to change this if appropriate to try to balance the number of players in each division as a result of players wishing to join or leave the leagues.
  • If two or more players have the same points total and one or the other or both are in the promotion or relegation zone, the following sequence will decide the player with the higher status:
  1. the player who has played the most matches
  2. if the matches played are equal, the result between the tied players
  3. If that game is a draw, or there is a three-way tie, the player with more wins
  4. Finally, if necessary, a toss of a coin will be used to decide.


  • If two players have arranged a match and one has to pull out for any reason, every effort should be made by both parties to re-arrange the match.  If this is not possible, then the player who has had to pull out concedes the match 8-0 and the opponent will also receive the two points for playing the match.
  • Please make every effort to arrange matches in a timely fashion to give everyone a chance of finding a mutually convenient time.  If you can only play at very restricted times due to other commitments, then the onus is on you to contact the other players early on to give them time to accommodate you.  In the event that two players are unable to agree a mutually convenient date, they should refer the matter to the tournament organiser by email.
  • When new players join the box league the tournament committee will try to place them, where possible, one league below the league in which they are likely to play eventually.

Rules to cover situations where players do not play all their games in the tournament period:

  • If you are unable to compete in the league due to injury or other reasons, please let the tournament organiser know immediately by email.  If you have played 4 games or more your scores will stand in those games, and where you have not yet played games, the score will be deemed to be 8-0 to your opponent who will also receive the two points for playing the match.  If you have played 3 games or less then all your scores will be scratched.
  • Players who do not make a reasonable attempt to play matches will be asked if they wish to continue in the next box league.  If a player does wish to continue, then that player must make an effort to complete matches in the next box league.  In fairness to other players, if this does not happen and there is no good reason, that player will be asked to miss the following box league tournament.
  • In order to be eligible for promotion to the next league a player must have played at least 3 matches.  If you are having trouble arranging matches, then please email the tournament organiser.

Contact us

If you need any assistance with these rules or would like to be included in the next box league please contact us (