
New Year message from your Chairman

Happy 2018 everyone and best wishes for an enjoyable year of tennis to you all!

Please see below some key dates for your diaries. 


Sunday 18th March 

Ladies prosecco and cake tournament

A repeat of last year's successful event where our ladies enjoyed friendly competitive play in preparation for the league season.


Saturday 14th April

Quiz night with fish and chips hosted by Julie Williamson (See posters in the clubhouse for details).


Weekend of 26 and 27th May 

Challenger qualifying and finals tournament 

This year we are running our challenger tournament qualifying rounds and final all in one weekend.  Full details and entry criteria to follow.


Sunday 17th June 

Arden 9 Road Race 

This successful event raises money for our Club.  We will need volunteers to act as marshalls on the route and run the water stations.  


Saturday 30th June (Hampton festival weekend)

In a change to recent years, Club Championship finals day will once again take place in the summer sunshine (hopefully).

Friday 9th November 

Tennis Club Annual Dinner

Please join me to celebrate another year of tennis achievements at Hampton Manor.


This year we are also launching our Ice-breaker League, encouraging different groups at the club to come together and play competitive tennis in a box league format.  More information to follow.

I hope this has wet your appetite and look forward to seeing you on court soon!

Best wishes 

Sav Gaspar