
Go Girls!!!

Carol ran a fabulous day celebrating all the success of the girls of the coaching programme.

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New patio opened

Thanks to grant funding from the Marshes community benefit fund we have been able to complete our long awaited second viewing area which is fully accessible and improves our facilities substantially.

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Tennis-a-thon huge success

Our dawn till dusk tennis-a-thon and evening event raised an enormous amount of money for one of our longstanding and valued members.

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Women's tennis group goes from strength to strength

The women's tennis daytime group is thriving

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Renewal Notices

Membership Renewal Links have been sent out.

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Carols amazon prime girls party

Carol organised an amazing end of course party for her girls who had successfully completed the September LTA / Amazon prime course.

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Celebrating our captains

At our wonderful award ceremony we celebrated the hard work, dedication and achievements of our many players, teams, and volunteers. We pay particular tribute to our captains who work so hard to allow so many to enjoy competitive play.

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Amazon prime programme restarts in September

This fantastic opportunity starts in September 2023. To book click here

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Family fun day spectacular

The tennis section contributed to a great community sports family fun day. Coaches and leaders offered tennis tasters and fun games on court for hundreds of child and their families.

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Quiz night fun

The quiz night organised by the tennis club for all the sections and the local community was a huge success. Huge thanks to Lee and Sonia who hosted the quiz and ensured a great night for everyone.

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