
Step By Step Guide to Booking 2020 Championships


Go to events page on the website or click here

Choose events you wish to enter

For doubles add  your surname as team name.  Add any other player you are paying for.  Your partner will be chosen by the club 

Complete Edit details when requested

Press confirm for each event

Accept terms and conditions

Cick pay button



Go to: and if requested log in using your clubspark details

Click on 3 bars top right for the menu and go to events

Click on Club Championships

Click book on all the events you wish to enter

Click on the basket at top of the page

Click book now

Doubles: enter your name as team name, click box saying who will play and click edit details.  Under edit details you must add an emergency contact number and click save.  Do this for all doubles events you are entering – it should save the details from previous entry.

Singles: Choose who will play and edit details as before – again these should be saved if they have been entered once.

Click confirm

Accept terms and conditions

Accept privacy policy

At this point the confirm & pay now button will turn from grey to green

Click this and make payment