Booking terms of use

Booking terms of use


Booking payments must be made online using a valid credit/debit card. Unfortunately we can no longer accept cash payments at the village shop. 


Court names

    •      Court 1 – Next to the road

    •      Court 2 – Next to the Glove Factory


Opening time: 8:00am

Closing Time: 10:00pm

Booking Slot Duration: 30 mins


Refund window: Refunds are available at user request any time up to the start of the booking. Refunds cannot be given if the booking start time has passed.


Registered adult users


    •      Can book up to 4 weeks ahead

    •       Can book no more than 5 sessions of up to 120 mins a session in a 7 day period


Registered child users


    •      Can book up to 4 weeks ahead

    •      Can book  no more than 3 sessions of up to 90 mins a session in a 7 day period


Regular bookers (Advanced bookers)


    •      Can book up to 6 months ahead

    •      Can book no more than 5 sessions of up to 120 mins a session in a 7 day period


Anyone booking the court to coach adults or children will need to pay the adult booking fee.


Under 16s can book at no cost


Our annual subscription scheme introduced this year enables adults to book 5 sessions of up to 2 hours a session weekly for a single payment of £ 100.

An additional benefit is entry into the option-to-buy Wimbledon ticket ballot held annually.


Alternatively, you may book a court on a ‘pay as you book’  basis at a fee of

£ 8 per hour ( £ 4 for 30 mins).


If an annual subscription member has booked and is playing with a guest it is the responsibility of the member to collect the guest contribution for the court (£4 per hour if playing with 1 guest, £6 for 3 guests). The member should then pay funds into the HSRC business account, number:08574545, sort:09-01-29.  



Regular Advance bookers - pay as you book


You can’t make multiple bookings and then pay for them all together. Each booking needs to be paid for separately. So, if you are booking ahead for a quarter then you will need to make 13 separate bookings and pay each time.


Bookings can be cancelled and refunded up to the start of each session.


The courts are in high demand so it's important that bookings are cancelled if they're no longer required. This can be done by following the "View my Bookings" link on the Bookings page of the website.


HSRC reserves the right to take such action as it deems appropriate, including suspension of booking rights, in the event of any breach of these requirements or other reasonable cause. 


If you need help please email