Frequently Asked Questions

1. When are the courts open?

The courts are open 8am – 5pm or during daylight hours – whichever is applicable. Some courts may be booked for coaching, other activities or events, so please check the booking page and pre- book courts at all times.

2. How do I book a court?

To make a booking please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Book a court
  2. Register your details via the LTA link (if you haven't already done so)
  3. Choose your court, date and time
  4. Receive a PIN code (emailed to you)
  5. Please add an asterisk (*) before the PIN when keying the PIN on the gate
  6. Access the court and enjoy!

3. Do I have to be a resident of Ilminster to play?

No, the courts are a public facility and open to all.

4. I only want to play once or twice, what can I do?

Simply register on the website and book your court hour and enter the access code detailed on your confirmation email at the gate. Don't forget to include an asterix (*) before the numbers in the code.

5. Is coaching available?

It is hoped there will be options for various types of coaching in the future. Check the website for further details

6. How do I cancel a booking?

You can cancel your booking online. Out of courtesy please cancel as soon as you know so others can book the session to play. There is a 24 hour booking cancellation window. Please cancel prior to 24 hours in advance if you can do so.

7. If I see damage to the courts or anti-social behaviour who should I tell?

If you notice the courts are damaged or unsafe please contact us as soon as possible by email informing the team at Ilminster Town Council, so that we can investigate and arrange repairs. 

If you witness anti-social behaviour on courts from users that is not in keeping with those set out in the terms and conditions, please report to Ilminster Town Council so this can be addressed and appropriate action taken.

If you have a problem with anti-social behaviour outside office hours, then please call 101 or in an emergency situation, please call 999.